[center] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/logocomics/images/7/7f/Ant-Man_vol2_(2014)_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20141218151813[/img] [sub][@Blue Demon][@ TimeMasterX][/sub][/center] Captain America’s words came as a bit of a shock to Scott. He gave an awkward chuckled and shrugged his shoulders during the Captain’s attempt at proving to Scott that he was the real deal. Honestly the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind in the slightest before Thor mentioned it in that intimidating manner of his, although now Scott truly had no doubts at all. It seemed Steve really knew his stuff on the two of them. The thought made Scott smile, who briefly thought back to the before mentioned events. To be fair, no one specifically said that he couldn’t make use of his ants at the time of the team’s poker games. As for the children’s party, Steve had scheduled a large amount of team training the week before. Plus, Cassie was a fan! He was snapped out of his thoughts due to the perturbed look upon Thor’s face. The Norse God only made such an expression during times of danger. That was when Scott heard it too, a hum resonating from the computer from which the Captain’s imposter had been working. Scott was about to step towards it in an act of stupidity, when he found Thor thrusting his arms in front of him, in an effort to shield him from the potential blast. Scott eyes snapped shut in shock. He waited. Waiting for the impending explosion. Yet nothing came. Just a small pop and the crackling sound of electricity. As Thor slowly shifted away, Scott laid eyes on the scene of the incident. The computer was still there, looking mildly damaged, yet still mostly intact. Scott gave a short sigh of relief. “[color=crimson]Well that was all overly dramatic for nothing![/color]” He commented aloud, moving around Thor and approaching the computer system. Upon closer inspection he found that despite his previous observations, the thing was truly broken, with the desktop’s resident cat photo replaced with that of a mass of brightly coloured lines. The computer was fried. Scott let out a small groan of annoyance. This made tracking whatever Captain America’s imposter was doing much difficult. The computer acted as an access port to the entire system, meaning that whoever it had been, could have been doing anything. What more, the broken computer also meant the erasure of Scott’s minesweeper high score. Today had truly been a dark day. Turning back to face his teammates, Scott gave them a frown. “[color=crimson]Looks like we’re not going to be getting anything out of this easily.[/color]” He summarised, glancing back down at it. Grabbing his helmet from the side where he had placed it, Scott made his way towards the door. “[color=crimson]I’ll head down to IT.[/color]” He continued. “[color=crimson]See if they can send up anyone to help sort this thing out. It’ll give the poor guys down there something interesting to do for once.[/color]” [center] [img] http://ant.works/wp-content/themes/Netstger_Creative_Suite/images/ant.png[/img] [img] http://ant.works/wp-content/themes/Netstger_Creative_Suite/images/ant.png[/img] [img] http://ant.works/wp-content/themes/Netstger_Creative_Suite/images/ant.png[/img][/center] Numerous floors below those owned by the Justice League, lies LexCorp’s IT department. The place seemed unnaturally empty at first when Scott walked in. The overhead lights were switched off, leaving the room submerged in darkness, save for the occasional flashing blink from one of the main old computer servers that lined the walls. The things were merely there for aesthetical reasons of course, with the tower’s servers actually being held in a more secure location within the basement. Nevertheless, along with the messy desks and the numerous cups of coffee dotted about, they really tied the room together into a look that one could only assume was that of an IT department. Glancing around, Scott thought he was alone until he caught sight of someone at one of the desks towards the back, their eyes fixated on the screen. Approaching, a smile formed across Scott’s face as he realized who it was. Raz Malhotra had been working at a company named Techbusters as a computer technician when Scott had met him. After being hired by a supervillain known as Egghead (yes, really.), he was soon mind controlled into helping him with his dastardly plans. That had been until Ant-Man had intervened, along with Hank Pym. After the three of them had taken down the villain, Scott got Raz at job at LexCorp in order to thank him, with the two becoming good friends ever since. “[color=crimson]Raz! My man![/color]” Scott exclaimed as he approached. “[color=crimson]How you doing?[/color]” Raz looked up from his screen slowly, obviously sleep deprived. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of Scott, although he stayed silent. All that came out of his mouth as he opened it was a long yawn. Scott continued. “[color=crimson]Yeah, so we’ve got a situation upstairs. Don’t know if you’ve heard, but some guy broke in looking exactly the same as Cap’. Sabotaged the computer he was working on, so we were wondering if someone down here could pop up and…[/color]” Raz raised his hand slightly to interrupt him. “[color=a36209]Yeah, I’ll go up in a minute Scott…[/color]” His voice wavered slightly, with Raz turned back to his screen. He typed away for a second before turning it so that it was facing Scott. On the screen was the email Scott that had received the night before from Hank. The email about those weird bug robots. “[color=a36209]First things first though, Hank has been messaging me all morning.[/color]” Raz said, his voice filled with agitation. “[color=a36209]There’s been a situation.[/color]”