Such an odd day this turned out to be...coming here for the execution of a yonkou and yet here he was casually talking to that very same person. He expected this man to have an dangerous and unruly personality, but he seemed the more calm and easy going type and the fact Fenrir also knew of him was no surprise.'Well..though I'm honored, some things are greatly..exaggerated in the underworld.'His body tense, even though Fenrir kept the wolves at bay. Still, he was curious of what exactly the yonkou had planned, but soon had the man towering over him and for the briefest of a second felt he was about to die. Tilting his head a little to be given a warning to quickly get off the island. It seemed something big was coming and thought it best to take up on this warning.'Yes..I think it about time I got off this island myself, though I hope the next time we meet we can share a drink.'A small nod of his head before glancing over at the wolves and started off on a brisk walk towards the docks. Waiting till he walked a good distance to glance over his shoulder to see he could no longer see them.' about a crazy encounter there...well at least this day wasn't a complete waste.'Shaking his head as he resumed walking, gradually picking up speed until he was running towards the docks. Arriving at the ship as he slowed to a stop, panting a bit while looking around; expecting to see a bunch of fighting going on. Instead, it was mostly quiet, leaving him to guess the takeover finished, otherwise marine officers would be running about shouting orders. This made things easy cause he was in no mood to fight and slipped his hands in the jacket's pockets and casually strolled up onto the deck as if taking a relaxing walk through a park.