On the way home from the venue, Rob had thrown in his earbuds, hoping to have some quiet time to himself before yet another party. Mashing shuffle, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_m4Vy5mT48]Lillian by The Dear Hunter[/url] slipped on. He enjoyed the beat and rhythm of the long, looking out the window of their ride to the streaked lights beyond. He hummed the chorus as the singer soared above the instruments: [i]“Press your lips to mine Breathe in deep and lie When the cameras roll Hide away your soul Flash your eyes, Forge a smile, Entertain, but don’t get stuck in something you hate.”[/i] He frowned slightly. The pretty tuned seemed almost haunting, feeling too real with what he was feeling. It turned out, though, that it had really been none other than prophecy. A warning of what was to come as he arrived into the apartment: [i]“Hey, uh, have a minute?”[/i] Rob stopped in his tracks. He wasn’t sure what it was, but something about the weight of the words that came from Jane’s mouth ensured a growing panic within him. Like the next words would be something he wasn’t ready for. He didn’t have time to weigh the growing possibilities, as she continued. It was about her [i]emotions[/i], of all things. They were entities she had never expressed. She had always seemed to be a physical person. She didn’t know how to talk, how to communicate with her words, but she was a master over her own body. Her reactions, her physicality, were all based in her emotion. A nonvocal connection she shared with everybody. 
And that’s when it hit Rob. Out of all the years he had known her, every passing brush of skin and cordial hug, they were all nothing compared to the past few days. She cradled to him when she liked, allowing him to hold her even when she never vocalized it. Oh god, how could he have been so blind? It was so obvious right from the very start and he had never understood it. He had never really understood her. From the worthless perspective of hindsight it all seemed so fucking beyond reason. And as his mind raced into infinity, her’s seemed to single-minded; driven by an instinct, a lone desire. 
Her eyes kept at his as she approached him, the gentle pattering of her feet as she walked faded into the obscurity of the noises around him—drown out by the events that soon followed. His head tilted downward, until their eyes aligned parallel for such a sort time. His heart throbbed in his chest as every minute detailed he had known of Jane seemed fresh and vital in his mind. Her skin ravaged by the sun, her hair by unkept habits and disillusioned morality. The fullness of her lips, coursing though crimson veins under supple skin. It was almost like a rebirth. His eyes closed instinctually, as his mind flashed to hues of yellow and orange. The lights bounced and shined in pure brilliance as he left her lips to his. His arms swung about, grasping her and holding her to him. He was beside her now in time, and in this small moment of insignificance, he felt both total oblivion and expansive infinity. It felt equal parts hyperbole, insanity, and naivety, but for once in his life, Rob didn’t really care anymore. All that mattered was now. And it all ended so suddenly. She pulled away, leaving the coldness left in that place. All of the miraculous, flowery thoughts he had, his endless internal monologue of hyperbolic feelings…all of it was gone. It was now him, and her, in a room. Bitter, cold, reality. [i]”This is what I was afraid of.”[/i] He wasn’t sure if she was right. She probably was. He took a step back, overwhelmed at the flood of emotions he had experienced. And now he stood, drained and weak, looking at this girl barely over five feet tall that had messed with his emotions for so long. And it all seemed so trivial. [i]”I get it,”[/i] she said at last. Rob took a step back, and then two, continuing until his back was against the wall. His eyes glazed upwards, ashamed at what they might tell Jane. His back slid, downward, until the seat of his pants hit the floor. From here, he looked up to Jane, her face obscured by his own hairs. He felt so weak. Like everything he ever wanted had just been laid at his feet, and now all he wanted to do was run and hide. It was him that wanted to leave. And it was probably not the reaction Jane had expected. “I uh,” Rob started, same as her. His voice cracked as he said it. “I’m gonna need some time to process this, J.” His mind raced to the lyrics he had heard just minutes ago: [i]“We could have been smart With the plot from the start Mistakes from the spark"[/i] He looked up to Jane. [i]"We knew it wasn’t love.”[/i] Rob breathed in deep, looked down to the floor and for once...thought of absolutely nothing. He could only sit and wait.