Lance sighed with some relief. He was glad to have found a teammate, especially someone who could heal. He tended to get banged up a bit when he went off alone. "So...uhm, could we stop at the shop first? potions are sort of a priority for me..." he rubbed the back of his head, his health was still low and if he went off looking for trouble, he would end up with more then he could handle. "I-I could buy you something as well...I still haven't been able to repay you for the heal..." He gave up any idea of just giving her money, it didn't seem like it would happen soon. Maybe she would appreciate some adventuring gear though...she would be needing after all "A-After that I was thinking the forest...I need some practice with those spiders...I feel like with my luck I will get poisoned again and...learning how to defend myself from them is the best choice I think...some decent gold too..." he wasn't sure how interested this girl actually was in adventuring or anything of the sort, she seemed really...mellow, not the type to go off and have fun killing things. Sort of made him wonder a bit why she had joined the game in the first place, but he wasn't one to judge... "Th-that sound good?" he was already motioning towards the door but he didn't want to just start walking away without her verification. It would feel rude to him...