3rd Person- Tristan left the others to the talking he cared very little for any of it. He watched as Deucalion mumbled nervously to Arya and how Jainus argued over the mission itself being an impossibility. Eiko grounded the reason we were here and reinforced the orders from up top like she always did back in the academy but now she seemed much more impatient and Jainus seems too doubtful, Deucalion was too nervous and Eve looked like she didn't even know who she was and couldn't make a single decision on her own. This mission would be a wreak if they didn't start to trust each other and the mission, soon. Then all of a sudden the air shifted. He felt it even before Arya and could see the moment she felt it. The look on her face was pure dread, as it should be. Tristan had faced this before and knew what was coming. The Wild Hunt. He had faced them before, and last time had given him a few reminders of what they could do, a signature on his skin. Tristan waited for Arya's command on what to do next and as soon as she spit out the orders he rushed grabbing Eiko and Mentis and shielded them from any projectiles as they ran to the ship. He knew Arya and Jainus could take care of themselves, Deucalion was already on his way in and the pink one flew out of his reach before he could cover her safely into the airship. As the chaos unfolded he kept composed and thought of his every exact next move making sure no movement was faulty and that he got everyone he could into the ship safely. He followed Arya through the door with Eiko and Mentis just infront of him.