The girls eye's widened in surprised when she suddenly sensed something right next to her. [i][color=pink]'what the!?-'[/color] [color=crimson]'-F*ck!'[/color][/i] She tensed up and readied to throw a devastating punch towards a possible threat but stopped when she found herself in Jainus's arms, her tension vanished as she raised a confused brow towards him. More so when they were teleported to the docking port on the Invincible. [i][color=pink]'w-what?-'[/color] [color=crimson]'-The F*ck?!'[/color][/i] When she was set down she listened to Jainus with wide open eye's, completely bewildered at this mans words as he walked away from her. [i][color=crimson]'... the second I get out... he is so getting punched...'[/color][/i] [color=pink]"..... what just happened?"[/color] [i][color=crimson]'what just happened?! I'll tell you what just happened! That Idiot Just Stole Our-, I-I Mean Put Everyone's Lives In Danger! Quick! Back Outside!'[/color][/i] [color=pink]"Right!"[/color] Without a second thought the girl raised her right hand towards her face and put her index and middle finger to the center of her forehead as she closed her eye's while she focused on one of the crew members outside the ship. But before anything could happen Tristan came running into the ship with Eiko and Mentis just in front of him. The girl's eye's widened slightly in surprise as the sight. [i][color=pink]'oh... well, problem solved'[/color][/i] She thought to herself with a small smile. [i][b][color=crimson]'grrrrrRR[/color][color=red]RRAAA-'[/color][/b] [color=pink]'okay! come on! please stop yelling!'[/color] [b][color=red]'-AHHH!!!..[/color][color=crimson]...'[/color][/b] [color=pink]'sheesh, what was that for?'[/color] [color=crimson]'nothing...'[/color][/i] The cloaked girl shook her head slightly before following Ayra and the others.