[quote=@Kalistar] Just looking over everything, and I'll admit it's refreshing. We have a couple of ladies cuddling and maybe that isn't all, but it makes me think. I got in trouble for making a joke about showing my box and there's no backlash over recent stuff Are you guys finally loosening up a bit? [/quote] I have tried my best to restrain them, but they obviously lack [i][url=http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0057%3Aalphabetic+letter%3D*s111%3Aentry+group%3D183%3Aentry%3Dswfrosu%2Fnh]σωφροσύνη[/url][/i]. None at all. And until they restrain themselves, I will continue to use Lingua Latina and Ἑλληνική γλῶσσα! [quote=@NeutralNexus] Gods, I turn my attention away from this place for like a day or so and then three pages just explode into existence. I can barely keep up with this OOC. Or even this IC for that matter. [/quote] Honestly, you could probably skim through some of the OOC. Not like any of it is frivolous...