[hr][hr][center]Collab Post between [@Letter Bee], [@Gowi], and [@LHG100] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/67/f0/e3/67f0e386941d831c622f5d56aab177fc.jpg[/img] [color=white][h1]ALEXANDER[/h1][/color][b]URTU-07 TRAM, SOMEWHERE IN NORTH AMERICA [sub]EARLY MORNING[/sub][/b][/center] [hr][hr] It was still a long way to New Anchorage for the occupants of the URTU-07 tram. As one of the few transit trams commissioned to run all the way from New Anchorage to Santuário, and as one of the few transit trams commissioned to run all the way from New Anchorage to Santuário, it was URTU-07’s job to ensure safe and fast travel throughout the Americas and due to several complications it was far more convenient to travel by tram— and less expensive than traveling by air. A sentiment that was shared with a cargo of over half-a-dozen NC’s and the pilots who were off to find their next job. A job that seemed to be one of the last “free” territories in the frozen tundra of what used to be known as Alaska. Alexander Sky was just one of those pilots. But he wasn’t going there for a simple paycheck… he was going there for [i]other[/i] reasons. Alexander sat attentively in his seat inside the tram, not bothered at all by the cramped conditions; all arriving pilots had to share the same passenger car, and while they weren't barred from moving around the train, it was frowned upon. As far as he could tell, New Anchorage's recent crop of recruits, and his potential teammates, were sitting all on the same bank of seats that faced a set of too-large windows that let in too much glare; or they would had the windows been kept pristine, but many were clouded with splatter of dust and mud. Thankfully, Alexander had chosen someone who was a possible conversationalist. He [i]thought[/i] he saw him trying to chat up some of the receptionists or secretaries— to sit next to. If only that Ponytailed Guy would come back from his restroom trip... which, he soon did, as evidenced by a watery whirling noise and running water which ended a few moments later. Coming out of the lavatory, a taller yet somewhat lanky younger man shambled out. His eyes were a little dulled as far as Alex could tell, but by noticing the way he moved it didn't appear he was unaware of his surroundings. This man in particular was Joshua Ray, one of the pilots Alexander had been itching to talk to. As Joshua took a seat next to him with his eyes glued to the crud-covered windows adjacent, Alex could feel like this was finally the chance to have that conversation he wanted. "Hello there, you up for a talk?" Alexander looked to his right. "Just want to know who I'd be working with later on." Seemingly mildly surprised, Joshua looked over and responded with a simple, [color=ff4c4c]"Uhh... okay?"[/color] He fidgeted in his seat a little to then focus his own attention towards his compatriot. [color=ff4c4c]"..'sup?"[/color] "Why New Anchorage? Considering what the rumors and news say, it's not really that profitable, and it's made more than a few enemies. I mean, [i]I[/i] know why I want to go there, but well, not everyone shares the desire for...something better." Alexander sighed, cupping his chin with his right hand. Looking back at the skies, Joshua went over each and every faint star that shown even during the day. Unlike before the great destruction, light pollution was effectively nonexistant these days, letting people who cared, like Ray, look at the world above his own and see the sky clearly whenever he wanted. Joshua smiled a little as his eyes wandered from light to light as he replied to the question. [color=ff4c4c]"It was either that or fade into obscurity. I'm.. not that great of a fighter I guess, so ganging up with some other guys seemed like the best choice. New Anchorage was hiring, and, well, here I am." [/color] [color=ff4c4c]"Y'ever just look up? Y'know, really look up?"[/color] Joshua paused before continuing, [color=ff4c4c]"The skies are particularly luminous today. I don't meet many other people who like looking at the skies, for fun anyway."[/color] Alexander did as Joshua instructed, looking, and smiling, at the skies. "I'd feel happy gazing at the sky, but, well, I don't feel worthy, worthy to hold my head up high; look straight up. I've committed too many sins to be someone who deserves, well, hope, the hope that the stars represent." Only twenty-four years old and feeling a burden of guilt already. What could this young man have done? Joshua gave his thoughts on that matter. [color=ff4c4c]"I dunno about you but... to me the whole point of looking up there is to see that, y'know, ultimately... do we really matter, except to ourselves? There's so many points of light up there. Stars.. you know that's what they're called already."[/color] [color=ff4c4c]"Of course, in our short existences we think we're so unique, but how can we be so sure? For all we know some of those lights could be other.. ourselves. Clutches of 'Humanity' that stretch across the sky..."[/color] Joshua raised his hand on the glass a little, just above his own head. [color=ff4c4c]"It's.. so teasing to me. The cosmos are just above our heads, are they not? We can reach for them but we can never hold them. Yet I can't escape the feeling that whatever's out there can cusp us in its own hands... It's oddly reassuring."[/color] Alexander smiled. "I don't have much faith in anything except that which humanity can achieve, but I do believe that there's a cosmic force out there; it just doesn't interfere, so that we can make our own decisions, for good or for ill. I also believe this, that whoever is behind this universe isn't actively malicious, which gives us...hope, hope that we can make a world where our children- metaphorical and literal -can have a better world than their parents." [color=ff4c4c]"Y'know, makes me wonder. What if you're wrong and we were meant to die?"[/color] What felt like a few awkward minutes passed until Joshua simply laughed. [color=ff4c4c]"Yeah, right. I think that's enough navel gazing though, so what's your name? I'm Joshua Ray, pilot and plugee to the 'Apollo Heavy' Neural Combatant. You've probably never heard of it. You yourself?"[/color] "Alexander Sky. Pilot of the Phoenix. I used to work for Red-Star." And by that he meant that he was a slave to them; and not merely that, but if Ray had taken jobs for Red-Star before, he would've heard rumors of a mildly famous pilot with a penchant for tearing off the weapons of enemy NCs so that they could be disabled and following that, captured; and it was no secret that the resulting torture and enslavement from said capture was vicious, especially from Red-Star. In fact, it had earned Alexander the nicknames of 'Slaver-Slave', and 'Slaving-Slave' by enemy pilots. Joshua looked towards the sky once more. [color=ff4c4c]"Yeah, I heard about you."[/color] Ray sighed a bit as he went to mumble something. Speaking a bit louder, it seemed that knowing his 'friend' was an apparent slaver pushed a button, making his demeanor change for the worse. [color=ff4c4c]"Did... did you like it? Did it [i]'satisfy'[/i] you? Does it scratch an itch, or...?"[/color] "If I were proud of what I did, I wouldn't be on this train with you." Alexander said firmly, his tone bitter. "And if I were trying to run away from what I was, I would be asking you for booze right now. But instead I'm going to New Anchorage, because it's a chance at redemption, a chance to protect innocents, and a chance to make up for what I did. That's why I'm on this tram." The final notes in Alexander's tone were that of challenge. [color=ff4c4c]"You sure like being on the darker side of things. Wouldn't expect much different from a man such as yourself... if I'd even call you one."[/color] Ray rolled his eyes before going back to his skywatching. [color=ff4c4c]"I hope you're honest."[/color] "I'll take it as a chance, then." spoke Alexander, who then gazed at the skies sadly. "You know, I just want friends, friends whom I can be free with." [color=ff4c4c]"...Don't we all?"[/color] [center][img]http://expeditionba.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/horizontal-rule-short.png[/img][/center] "True." Alexander said as he gazed up the sky. "Actually, one more thing..." his voice turned to a whisper. "There's a sixteen year old here, judging from the height; the first pilot I doomed to a life of slavery, and the first one who eventually died, he was the same age."Alexander's lips pursed. "I want to protect the boy we have here, as part of my making up for what I did." [color=ff4c4c]"You really love talking about your sins, don't you?"[/color], Ray said, [color=ff4c4c]"What you did is disgusting but if you really want to move on, then just do it already. If you're really so enamored with the thought of making a better you, then shut up about the past and look towards the future!"[/color] Unwittingly, Joshua raised his voice as if he was giving a speech, noting it too late and smiling sheepishly to the rest of the tram's occupants. [color=ff4c4c]"Uhh, yeah."[/color] He continued, [color=ff4c4c]"What I said still stands. I've heard enough, if you still want to talk, talk about your hopes?"[/color] Ray silently scoffed. [color=ff4c4c]"Tell me something I don't know."[/color] A smile from Alexander; was Ray giving him a chance to be friends? If so, he would take it with both hands. "I want a better world. It does not have to be today or tomorrow or even the foreseeable future, but I want a world of green fields, lush forests, and people living happily, without having to care about corporations, brigands, and mutated wildlife. I want people to focus on things other than dying and avoiding dying, and, furthermore, for each and every individual to matter." "As for myself, what I said stands too; I want friends. I want...a family. I want a home to call my own, and I want children who would have a better life than I myself lived." [color=EAC117]“Aren’t you quite the idealistic young man?”[/color] A quiet chuckle came from a man next to the two who had been, unbeknownst to them, leaning against the window listening to their conversation with one ear open. By all appearances the man was… different. Whilst he was older than both of the pilots, he was also obviously far more suited to a different passenger car due to his ragged yet higher end suit that had colors of ebony. However he wasn't in anothr car, he was riding in this one, the one devoted to the last stop of the line— New Anchorage. Just like them. [color=ff4c4c]"And... who are you? One of 'us' I presume, but..?"[/color] Ray immediately questioned the man, after looking him over a bit. By his voice he was a bit scared and surprised, leaning a bit back towards Alex, presumably instinctively for some sort of protection. His eyes quickly scanned over the man, attempting to single out any sorts of weapons, tools, or specific features to bring this man's identity to mind. As far as he could tell was that beyond the suit-bearing man’s attire it was clear that he had been weathered by some experience. He wasn’t as prim and proper as he sounded and his hair was matted back yet disheveled. Looking over his entire appearance there were no [i]discernible[/i] weapons outside for a jacket holster for a handgun— a handgun Ray couldn’t make out due to the suit jacket the man wore. That aside, he did give off a presence of confidence— he wasn’t afraid of either of the younger more athletic men in front of him. Not one bit. A pleasant chuckle left the suit's lips, [color=EAC117]“Just another aspiring employee, my young friend.”[/color] As Ray began conversation with the man, Alex on the other hand tried to understand why a feeling of [i]dread[/i] had just overtaken him. Perhaps it was his paranoia from his past following him, but he found himself also scanning the suited man to get some kind of clue about their identity. Surely his time in Red Star could’ve helped him out just this once? He had seen a lot of people in the last few years and known quite the bit of mannerisms, voices, and appearances. There had to be [i]something[/i]. If this man [i]did[/i] resemble someone he actually did know… they were in trouble. [color=EAC117]“It is so nice to see the youth looking optimistically towards their future— and the more ruthless of us trying to redeem their path in life. It brings hope for our time.”[/color] The suited man paused, [color=EAC117]“I’m sorry, I must be intruding on your private conversation. I’m a bit of a nosy nelly— I believe that’s the old world phrase.” [/color] [i]The more ruthless of us?![/i] – Shit. Alexander hated this precedent right out of the door; the suited man knew who [i]he[/i] was but he didn’t have a clue about him. Alex nodded as he followed the conversation but his nerves were flaring and he could tell Joshua was getting nervous about the conversation as well. He was spooked. [i]”Let him kill me. Let him kill me, but I hope I didn't bring down his wrath upon anyone innocent…”[/i] [color=ff4c4c]"Uhh... yeah okay."[/color] Joshua audibly mumbled towards this suited man. [color=ff4c4c]"So... uhh..., y'know... who are you?"[/color] The thinner pilot seemed to shiver a little, inching a bit closer still to Alex. [color=ff4c4c]"Are you intentionally being sort of freaky or...?"[/color] [color=EAC117]“Ah, right. We haven’t been properly introduced. I’m Ingram. A pleasure.”[/color] He paused for a moment upon hearing Joshua's disposition towards him. The suited man, Ingram, laughed heartily after a moment of contemplated silence, showing the comment didn’t faze him. [color=EAC117]“I haven’t heard that one in a while! No, I am not intentionally trying to unnerve anyone. Though I am surprised I affect you like that considering what you pilots fight on a daily basis.”[/color] [color=ff4c4c]"You're... not, like, one of those guys who thinks us, uhh... us [i]Pluggers[/i] are above humanity, are you?"[/color] Joshua was still obviously sort of spooked, yet now comfortable enough to question this man, at least a little. [color=EAC117]“What does that even mean? Above Humanity?”[/color] Ingram inquired as he moved his eyes back toward the outside enviroment. [color=ff4c4c]"What did [i]you[/i] mean by saying that we can't feel fear just because of what we do as a job? We're still... just, y'know, still people..."[/color] Joshua looked to what this 'Ingram' was staring at, outside. Shaking his head, [color=ff4c4c]"Some people think we're a 'higher type of being' or something. Still just meat, ultimately. Why treat everyone else any worse..."[/color] Ingram nodded as he returned his glance to the duo. [color=EAC117]“Well, for me, it is hard to understand how people who go inside bipedal machines with artillery canons to fend off raiders, monsters, and the like on a daily basis can be scared of a little old man in a suit. No toxicity or harm meant.”[/color] [color=ff4c4c]"Just because we can control a walking battleship doesn't mean we're invincible out of it, 'Ingram'. I'm not delusioned and reckless like so many pilots. I guess I'm a bit cowardly, but we can still die outside of our mobile firebases."[/color] [color=EAC117]“Heh. I’m sorry if what I said hurt your feelings. You need not be so sensitive, my young friend.”[/color] Ingram replied, his calm smile still expressed on his face. [color=ff4c4c]"I guess so. So... what's your story, I guess?"[/color] [color=EAC117]“Just a down on their luck financial supervisor and businessman. New Anchorage is hiring more than NC pilots.”[/color] Ingram admitted as he reached down to a nearby makeshift table which held a flask. As he picked it up, he flicked the cap off and took a swig— the smell of alcohol apparent. [color=EAC117]“New opportunities and all that.”[/color] [color=ff4c4c]"Oh."[/color] Ray looked to the side as he listened to Ingram take a gulp. [color=ff4c4c]"...I guess we're not going to really know each other much after this then, huh?"[/color] [color=EAC117]“Well that depends if we get the job, right?”[/color] The older man replied with a chuckle. "Please, Don't keep us under suspense. I know who you resemble." The statement was one Alexander made not out of certainty, but something was definitely [i]off[/i] about the man; from his suit down to his entire presence. It was unnerving, and there was at least [i]some[/i] information that worked with his suspicions. It was a shot in the dark and a bit of a gamble, but if he was wrong he’d at least have figured something out that he didn’t know beforehand. [color=ff4c4c]“Right. I’ve got to… I’ll be right back.”[/color] It was with that comment that Joshua stood back up and went back towards the bathrooms; not out of an upset stomach but out of the anxiety that was coming from the conversation and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to sit next to the man when Alex began to shoot [i]accusations[/i] at him. Why did it seem that this ride was going south? It had started so well, too. As Joshua left to go to the bathroom, Ingram turned his attention towards Alexander, or more specifically, his anxiety-riddled suspicions. His brows narrowed upon such words. He wasn’t sure where Alexander was going with his current train of thought but it most certainly wasn’t friendly and he was not too pleased with what he was hearing. Rather, unpleased actually. [color=EAC117]“Is that a fact?”[/color] "Nathaniel's last name was Ingram." Alexander spoke with grim finality. Nathaniel was Alexander's first opponent in open combat; he was sixteen to Alexander's eighteen, experienced but not a genius. He was also the first person Alexander captured and made to share his life of slavery. He was also [i]dead[/i] as far as he had heard. [color=EAC117]“What an interesting coincidence.”[/color] He chuckled as he shook his head. [color=EAC117]“But I have no relations to a Nathaniel Ingram, as far as I know anyway. Ingram is my [i]given name[/i]. It would be quite silly if my full name was Ingram Ingram. That'd be a riot at parties.”[/color] "But you know of him; nothing you said contradicts that." Alexander sighed out of anxious fever. "And if I'm wrong... well then I'm wrong. You do know me though, that's for sure. You have your own secrets, while I'm open about myself. You're dangerous in your own way, I'm openly a threat to those I'm not allied to. But...if you want to inflict harm on me, just say it, and you'll get the opportunity. Just...don't do anything bad to anyone else." [color=EAC117]“You seem to have a persecution complex, my friend. I am not out to get you.”[/color] His smile dropped. [color=EAC117]“Do I know you? Of course I do. Alexander Sky of Red-Star. Ace of Isaki Squadron. Known as Surēbumasutā among their ranks, which I believe roughly translates to ‘Slave Master’. Exceptional kill count yet also with a high capture rate. A bit of a legend for a grunt that Red-Star thought was expendable. Word is that they want their mech back. Yes, I know you well. It was part of my job to know every relevant NC pilot of our time. My secrets are mine, but no I am not some vengeance fueled sibling. No. Are we done playing presumptions?”[/color] "I don't know whether to feel relieved or intimidated." Alexander said. "All I know is, with my past all around me, it will be harder to look towards the future." [color=EAC117]“The answer is both, Alexander Sky. Now, if you will excuse me. I need to go visit the dining car. Cheers.”[/color]