Dyllon whom was constantly on guard of the men trying to spy the women was greeted again by the six adventurers whom he sent out. He tipped up the point of his hat with a cheery grin to see them return. "So lads and lasses. What have ye found?" Sionnie's comment came across as amusing to him, shakong his chest almost as if he was uncontrollably vibratingas he letout a casual laughter. "Ain't nothin' like seein' boys creepin' up to see a lass' tits me tells ye. Ye should see them faces when they get caught." He paused, listening to their reports. Behind the caravan you could see more of the male passengers slowly gathering with hunted game hanging on their shoulders-- some more than others. They set them down on the ground and saw a spit roast readily made by Dyllon while they were gone and began processing and cooking the meat. If the adventurers have not noticed, the women had been around the spit roast waiting the entire time. "Come and sit down and we'll head out in less than an 'our. Road should still be fine then." He gestures after them. 40 mins passes by, everyone gathered and entered the carriage with Dyllon stroking the back of the horses before leaving a few dostances later he came across the road which the adventurers had scouted and sighted two bear cubs near the middle of the road. Highly unusual as Dyllon do not remember there being any bear cubs near these areas but slowed down almost to a stop. He begins yelling in a strange growling and roaring before an adult bear showed itself roaring and charging towards the carriage-- everyone naturally panicked. "Now now folks, no need to worry." He began growling and roaring again as he handed the bear something to its mouth and growled (Jethro realises that Dyllon was using speak with animals). The bear then ran away towards the other side of the road and began roaring at the cubs, to which they obeyed and scuttled away from the road and Dyllon continuing his journey. ___________________ 4 Hours later - Late Afternoon In the distance was an outline of a tower with several other roofs underneath in the horizon. Upon sight, Dyllon immediately announced to his passengers "We are arriving to Faulknorse very soon folks!" Just as he announces this, an arrow stuck on front of the horse, causing it to neigh and rear in terror. More arrows was fired in the general direction of the carriage. "Bloody beards! Bandits!" He cursed. "Somebody! Help me get rid of these bastards!" Three men appeared in front of the carriage, armed. "Surrender your belongings and we'll cease slaughtering you." The middle one says. "Make me kiss me own arse, fuckwit." Dyllon spits at them. (Make a course of action)