Oui mon copain. That much is true. I'm an avid fan of the Vikings series and used to follow TWD and GOT but stopped for obvious reasons, as the best characters with the most interesting stories tend to die while the ones that bore me live on. C'est aussi la vie. However the fanbases for that are often just as bad, though given their less.. ''depressed'' nature the fanbases revolve more around making weird fanart, making strange pairings ('shipping') and such rather than actual depressing thoughts or even thinking about killing sprees, which has been the case in the Undertale fanbase. I don't even understand how the casual gaming scene got to Undertale as it is a very specific game genre and definitely not a [i]super[/i] good game gameplay wise. The only thing I can imagine being fun is the storyline, which I must admit piqued my interest.. the characters are well written and I liked the design that involved karma-runs where you can choose on killing people. It's an interesting system that I hope to see in other games. We need more games where there are multiple approaches to the same problem.