It must have that secret "something" that appeals to someone of a certain mentality. A few other franchises come to mind that don't especially stand out to me, but have somehow specifically inspired a massive following. To keep my thread clean I'm going to avoid mentioning those shows because I want this to be a good weekend. People like what they like. This is where I'd say "I don't judge", but I absolutely do. Everybody does. But this wouldn't be the proper setting to air all of my complaints. Because I have a lot of them. And honestly I don't want to alienate anyone. One thing I will say is that the tragedy of any canon that goes on too long is that it often loses touch with the concepts that made it great in the first place. I'm not a fan of Game of Thrones or Walking Dead, but you can see how the fans are complaining more about the shows as they go on. Not only are there fewer surprises, but when the story writers run out of ideas, they veer from faithfulness to their core concepts and just wing it with something completely off the wall. Sometimes it's great, but usually it's crap. I watched one particular show for several seasons, but I could observe where the writing got away from itself. The worst part was that the characters were still pretty well written, but they were being put into ridiculous scenarios. It felt like an insult. Parks and Rec is a good example. I enjoyed the show through all but its last season. The penultimate season ended on a very high note and it wrapped everything up nicely, but they went for another season. All the characters became awful caricatures of themselves and the stories were just so try-hard crazy. Bit of a rant, excuse me.