[quote=@Errant Son]And I shall stop mucking up your thread now then. :lol[/quote] No no no! You're good, that isn't what I meant at all. I don't mind chatter in the slightest, I just felt my own thoughts going in a dangerous direction. I have a lot of strong opinions and the impulse to blab about them, and I don't want to drive away the RP's players by being a dick. The Office was pretty good. Some seasons dragged for a bit, but they did recover from their slumps pretty well. The addition of James Spader to the cast was excellent (god that man is funny). The show had a very satisfying finale and ended exactly where it should have. Rainn Wilson was fantastic too, though I can't help but feel sorry for him now. I think that was the peak of his career. But I'm sure he's doing fine. He's got to have gobs of money. The idea you mention sounds a little like Twilight Zone (and its cousins Tales from the Crypt and Outer Limits), especially the movie from 83 (which is fantastic if you haven't watched it, it's aged really well), though normally the show didn't tie anything together. I really enjoyed the first season of American Horror Story (the second was okay but had terrible parts, didn't get through the third). I liked that the concept was every season was its own story and cast of characters. What I enjoyed most was seeing the same actors in different roles. A villain in the first season was a hero in the next. And god Jessica Lange's acting is just terrifyingly genius (if very typecast, but that's how those things go).