[center] [h3]Prologue[/h3] [i]It has been about a year since Team Dim Sun attempted to use the Shadow Crystal to take over the Almia Region. Since then, Altru Inc. has reformed, now truly a corporation dedicated to finding new green energy sources, and they are doing pretty well. Peace Tower, Altru's headquarters, runs solely on wind and hydroelectric power. They hope that the rest of the region will be soon to follow. For the Ranger Union, very few problems seem to have surfaced as of late. Almia is experiencing an era of great peace and prosperity. Sure there are still always small Quest problems, but there have been very few new missions for the elite Top Rangers. Area Rangers usually handle situations quickly, and there is little need for the more advanced rangers. This does not keep them from training, and helping where they can though. But even if Almia is peaceful, the rest of the world still needs Pokemon Rangers. And thus the Ranger School begins yet another year with a fresh batch of students from all over the world. Some are from right here in Almia, others come from as far as Hoenn and Oblivia. All I can say is that it seems the world will be in good hands, if something does arise in the coming future.[/i] - Chairperson Erma, Ranger Union [i]Chairperson Erma is correct indeed. There are many new students at the Ranger School this year, why I haven't ever seen this many before. We have such an influx that we've had to hire a third teacher, and possibly have to look into hiring a fourth! In this process, however, we are taking great care to prevent another incident such as the one with Mr. Kincaid and young Isaac. As usual we are having our standard courses and have options for becoming Rangers, Operators, and Mechanics. We will be performing our standard semester long courses, taught by Ms. April, Mr. Rivers, and Mr. Chris. Rivers has proven himself to be a great teacher over the past year, taking the place of Kincaid. We will see how Chris performs. We of course will require our usual shipment of School Stylers from the Ranger Union, I have enclosed a list of all students this year so you will know how many to send. And we suggest choosing a Ranger for the Outdoor Class before the year actually begins.[/i] - Principal Lamont, Ranger School [i]Of course, of course! My, this IS quite the list of students, you surely will have your hands full this year. We will dispatch a Ranger with the Stylers immediately. And a Ranger for the Outdoor Class... hmm... I believe I know a good candidate this year. He's been around for a few years and has proven to be a very effective Area Ranger. His name is Bryon, he's the one we are sending with the stylers. You can see for yourself what he's like when he arrives. He should be arriving as soon as the students do, as a matter of fact. I would also like to inform you of some changes we've made to the school styler this year. We've added the Voicemail feature into the School Stylers, but they will only work between the stylers at a short range, say across campus. That way you won't have to ask to borrow standard Ranger Stylers this year. I look forward to seeing this new wave of Rangers, Operators, and Mechanics this year![/i] - Professor Hastings, Ranger Union [/center]