[center][h3]Corporate War Zone - Solitary > Warden's Office 21/6/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] The party's focused attack was a success. The shadow heaved over, the key just barely keep it restrained, it was time for the final blow. Rui charged straight at the shadow, summoning Askr as he did so, the team loosed another volley of spells at the same time, synchronizing the attacks with his charge, slashing the shadow across the chest with a Mighty Swing. The attacks found their mark and the shadow was defeated, slumping to the ground before disappearing into a black mist, like all other shadows. Ayano's navigation would tell her that the room ahead was where she was sensing their rescue target, whoever it was. After everyone caught their breath, they wasted no time to keep moving. As they entered the doors that led to the final room, or rather, it led first to a hallway. They spotted a hallway leading left. Ayano fed them information that that was the pathway she picked up before they entered the dungeon. Apparently it leads to the other dungeon... Convenient, strangely so, but there was no use questioning it. If they were done soon enough on this end, they could immediately go and reinforce the other team. Regardless, the party moved onto the final room... What they saw before them was an office, more specifically the warden's, it said so on the door. It was a pretty spacious office too, big enough to fight in without worry... The party looked towards the center of the room, and there their target was, sitting there... There was no mistaking that hair, Rui recognized who it was. It was Ryan, from the manga club, and as expected in front of him was his shadow. [@floodtalon] [center][h3]Play of Control - Stage > Backstage Penthouse 21/6/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] After a grueling battle, the party finally managed to take down all the shadows, it took quite some time, so they were worn out... [i] [color=magenta]"Maybe you should take a quick rest first... There's no rush, it appears Rui's team has managed to make it to their target already. If they finish soon enough you guys can get some help from them"[/color],[/i] [color=royalblue]"Ugh... Fine..."[/color], Kazuki didn't seem to like the prospect, but it appears he knew still what was best. So it was time to rest for the time being... Kazuki wasn't exactly the best leader, but he was a great fighter, very self-driven. He jumps into the thick of battle often, it might just be a different leadership style, because Riku who is one of his usual party mates seems to do the same... In any case, after resting the party got back up again, and headed backstage. There was no other way forward, other than what appears to be back stage doors. It first led into a well-lit hallway, looked a tad fancy, still old fashioned like the rest of the dungeon though. [i] [color=magenta]"Ah... That hallway to your right leads to the other dungeon, but there's no reason to go there now"[/color],[/i] [color=royalblue]"Understood... We'll keep going as planned"[/color], he seemed calmer now as he led everyone up the stairs. As they walked up, they eventually came to a door, and upon entering were met with a pretty fancy suite. At the far end was their target. He was from the Drama Club... Seighardt. Or rather as expected, there were two of him, the second one was sitting in a chaise sofa, or rather, laid back in it. [@oblivion666]