[@Inkdrop] Alright, so a bit more about the dwarves. Special focus for combating Zwölfberg compared to a regular faction. Dwarves are about 4-5 feet tall at best but sport a robust build with decent durability and muscles about twice as strong as a human (though their reduced reach kind of evens things out). Dwarves as warriors are tough and renown for their explosive strength. On the other hand they are small and while the frequency of their steps is greater they are of course slower at the run. Because they are smaller yet can carry the same if not greater weight dwarwes much more frequently wear armor. Actually that's part of their culture which also gave them the nickname "steelskins". Actual shocktroops often equip themselves with plate armors and shields which are borderline ridiculous and would be wholly impractical to humans. Their defense can be seen as a wall of steel which your forces may often struggle to penetrate unless you use the adequate strategy. On the other hand Zwölfberge has only minimal experience at mounted warfare at best and aside from mini halberds they use to compensate for reach they don't have anything resembling a pike formation. That being said running into these heavily armored shocktroops is often a hazard in itself so cavalry charges are still not the most optimal. Zwölfberge's main ranged weapon is the bolter which can be viewed as an evolution of the crossbow. It uses spring-mechanism to launch the drawn back projectile and they unite the benefits of crossbows with often the speed of archery. Light bolters are often built on pump-action design and fire small diamond shaped "bolts" in rapid succession. Their armor penetration is minimal but their compactness and rate of fire makes them preferred for self-defense. A more standard bolter design uses a heavy 80-gram bolt and a powerful draw which requires the operator's full strength. These can penetrate plate armor pretty well and with some skill can be aimed for 80-120 meters. The latest category of bolters are huge, often longer than the operator himself. They use cranks and other mechanisms to draw but in return you get a massively powerful and long ranged weapon, think of a "portable" Roman scorpio firing compact all-steel projectiles. The latter is rare and used by dwarves colloquially referred as Snipers. They are a half-crazed lot obsessed with the performance of their bolter who got their name for often competing to hunt down the otherwise rather elusive snipe bird. Siege engines of various kinds are widespread and kinda like Zwölfberge's equivalent of the artillery. They are less convenient than cannons but bolter-ballista hybrids can achieve anti-infantry performance similar to iron shots (cannister/grape shots or chain shots are a different matter, ofc). Aside from more frequent use of metal and spring-based mechanisms and further refined looks the dwarven siege engines are going after the same catapult/ballista designs. One thing which still worths noting is that Zwölfberge knows something similar to Greek Fire thus incendiary projectiles won't be unheard of. Lastly the ships. Schwarzesmeer is apparently have only minimal winds which are not so predictable around the island. Thanks to this and other considerations the dwarves developed ships propelled by augers AKA the "Archimedes Screw". These are driven either by rows of dwarven pedalers or large animals within treadwheels. In terms of speed they average between 4-10 knots depending on design and whether they are cruising or on the sprint. What makes dwarven ships distinct are their metallic bolted on hulls. Due to the abundance of iron as well as dwarven industry they can allow themselves to build entire ships made of stainless steel. While I say that though these ships are rather small, only 30-50 meters long. The steel hull protects against fire and may rebound lighter cannonballs at range but otherwise there's little difference aside from intimidation factor. As for weapons dwarven warships often mount one or a few siege weapons either for attacking forts or engaging ships at distance. Still, not a literal rows of cannons construction as age of sail ships. Other methods include using skirmishers to fire at the enemy with their bolters or board the enemy. Rams are also semi-frequently featured on the hulls in order to pierce the enemy hull while also preventing their escape. In short they are okay in a fight but the main role of warships is to transport hundreds of troops each into battle.