Someone on another forum is getting jumpy about his or her character getting beat up by an experienced fighter just after they achieved their own powers...Like really? It's like complaining about Zeta Amuro in a good suit trouncing Kamile in Gundam MK 2. Then they send me a private message basically coming to the conclusion that from a single in game training session after two days of some off screen time they're apparently supposed to have their powers now. Like really? is getting rekt by a NPC with an attitude problem and no restraint really that big of a deal? It's not like i didn't let the character get any hits in at all in fact the npc got hit twice though he suffered little damage because he is a freaking TANK ON LEGS. Oh and he also allowed himself to be disarmed in the match. Like what the hell? I'm not making out this character, WHO ISN'T EVEN MY MAIN CHARACTER AND WHO I EXPLICITLY SAY IS A BAD TEACHER, to be a better character or this mary sue. Just because your character is getting thrown around by a character doesn't mean I'm trying to underpower or show off how weak your own character is.