[center][h2]Xena Rock Field[/h2] [sub]The Ambush Point[/sub][/center] Jenso glared at the beast as it lunged towards him and the ATV. He leaped onto the truck, and grabbed a shell of his own. [color=f26522]"Got it! Name's Jenso, by the way."[/color] Jenso said, in regards to Onweer referring to him as Redhead. He threw the shell towards the beast's gaping mouth, and began gathering flames in his hands. He could ignore the plan and just run away quickly if he wanted, and have an easier time to dodge the beast's attack. But he wasn't going to back down now. This was their best shot to take the beast down, and he had no intention of letting it continue it's rampage. At the moment when people would throw their shells and Onweer would launch the gust of wind to blow the shells into the serpent's mouth, Jenso would follow up immediately and strike the shells with a torrent of flames to ignite them. He kept in mind that Onweer could possibly pass out after performing her technique. Jenso would be able to grab her and attempt to move out of the beast's way in time if it was needed. However, he did not very much like that idea as he would only be able to save one person that way. He kept his focus on the incoming serpent, prepared to fire.