[center] [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/8196/f/2014/169/7/d/bouncy_stars___divider_by_sugareesweets-d7911y3.gif[/img] It's been several years since the multiverse settled down after the attacks launched by Tabuu. Our heroes have since been living a quieter lifestyle, having returned to their home worlds soon after the catastrophe was just barely avoided. However, a new, dangerous force is stirring within the depths of the multiverse. Over the last three months, there have been several attacks on various worlds. Terrible, gruesome monsters were sighted all over the multiverse, killing anyone in reach, before our heroes were transported to a new world. This world had various places, terrains and aspects from all different worlds meshed together. Together, they'll be facing a completely new enemy. However, this one is mightier than any foe they've seen before, and even using their combined efforts, they may fail to stop her. Having been alerted of the oncoming calamity, a goddess by the name of Gaia has set out to ensure that the universe remains safe. Using her almighty powers, she has trapped the great evil entity in one world by distributing various keys. Without these "keys" the great evil cannot escape the world that she currently dwells in. In order to protect these keys, Gaia has given them to several individuals from our world. Several individuals on planet Earth now hold the potential to release the great evil. However, Gaia underestimated the great evil entity. She used the remainders of her terrible powers to drag the individuals with the keys into the world that she's trapped in, and has been sending her minions out to pursue them. Yet, these individuals are not alone. The heroes that defeated Tabuu have been sent to aid them. Together, they must move onward in order to defeat the great evil, and save the universe from being destroyed. [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/8196/f/2014/169/7/d/bouncy_stars___divider_by_sugareesweets-d7911y3.gif[/img] This is a multiverse roleplay, mostly involving characters from Super Smash Bros. It has RPG and dungeon-crawling elements. You, the player, will create an OC who has been given a key, and granted access to amazing powers. Throughout the entire roleplay, your character will grow as an individual, and learn how to hone their powers. Your character will also have a team centered around them, mostly made up of characters from Super Smash Bros. Yet, the entire plot isn't set in stone. Rather, there will be multiple opportunities for the roleplayers to alter the course of the plot. Rather than me strictly governing over plot details, I'll often be asking for the opinions of the roleplayers and where they think the plot should go next. [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/8196/f/2014/169/7/d/bouncy_stars___divider_by_sugareesweets-d7911y3.gif[/img] [hider=Explanations] Gaia; The supreme goddess of the universe. Gaia is the representative of life and knowledge. She is the daughter of Omni, who was the original creator of the universe. However, the title of supreme goddess was passed down to her after Omni went mad with power and was overthrown. Gaia is a fair ruler who believes in ultimate balance throughout the universe. She most often appears as a beautiful, white-haired woman with deer antlers protruding from her skill. Gaia is known for her fairness and her ability to follow her own rules and principles. Gaia cannot enter the Astra Realm due to how powerful the grip of the Great Evil Entity is. The best she can do is protect the Hub, and even then, it severely drains her powers. Great Evil Entity; The Great Evil Entity is the half-sister of Gaia. Their mother, Omni, had an affair with the god of chaos, and thus, she was born. For thousands of years, the Great Evil Entity was ignored and otherwise disliked by most gods and goddesses due to her parents. After Omni went mad with power, the Great Evil Entity followed her mother and killed several gods and goddesses in cold blood, aiding her mother in any way possible. After Omni came to her senses and was calmed, the Great Evil Entity killed her, but was sealed away by Gaia afterwards. Monarch; Another, abet more minor god who was coaxed into releasing the Great Evil Entity. Astra Realm; The Astra Realm is the prison where the Great Evil Entity was held for thousands of years after she was sealed away by Gaia. After the Great Evil Entity coaxed Monarch into releasing her, she was able to drag the heroes who defeated Smash into the Astra Realm. The Astra Realm is a world full of diverse landscapes from different worlds, that have all been meshed together. Briefly after the Astra Realm was opened by Monarch, it was closed again by Gaia who gave the keys to various residents of Earth. Although the Great Evil Entity managed to drag the keys into the Astra Realm, after Gaia underestimated her powers. Keys; The keys are necessary to open the Astra Realm. As of now, each key has been given to different individuals from the planet Earth. The keys are capable of granting amazing powers to whoever holds them. Key Holders; A group of youthful individuals that have been dragged into the mess created by the Great Evil Entity. After receiving the keys, they were dragged into the Astra Realm, and are currently under the protection of the smashers. Each key holder is learning to effectively use their powers, as only they are able to defeat the Great Evil Entity, with the assistance of the smashers. Smashers; The group of heroes that sealed away Tabuu. They are individuals from many different worlds who have all come together in order to defeat the Great Evil Entity. The Hub; The hub is a large, fortified location in the Astra Realm, where both the Key Holders and the Smashers live together. This fort is protected by the powers of Gaia. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Character Sheet You may have one key holder. And you may start out with two teammates. Name: First and last. Age: Preferably on the younger side. Birthday: Birthdays are fun. Put one down. Ethnicity: Where do they come from? Appearance: Images may be used. Anime or manga styled only. Orientation: Bisexual, asexual, etc. Personality: Doesn't need to be a novel. History: Also doesn't need to be a novel. Combat Powers: Powers should start off simple and relatively weak. Your character will learn how to use them and become stronger throughout the course of the roleplay. Power Rank: Describes how good your character is with their powers. Ranks go from D as the lowest at A as the highest. You can start at E-C. But if you start out at D or C, you must make your weapon rank E. Strengths: What does your character excel at? Are they a physical powerhouse? Or are they the speediest fighter around? Details like that should be included. Weaknesses: Does your character have a weakness to magical attacks? Are they a slow fighter? Etc. Weapon: Only one weapon to start off with. Butterfly swords, axes, lances, bows, etc. Weapon Rank: Describes how good your character is with a weapon. Ranks go from D as the lowest at A as the highest. You can start at E-C. But if you start out at D or C, you must make your power rank E. Teammates Teammates should really come from Super Smash Bros. But, if you want a character from outside of SSB, they must have been featured in a game that you can play on a Nintendo console. For example, if you want a main character from Persona 3 or 4, you can use them because Persona Q, which featured them, was on the 3DS. That being said, here's the teammate form. [Teammate Name Here] [Insert Picture here] Weapon: If you're using a character like Ike, who has his signature weapon Ragnell, I'd prefer you use their signature weapon. However, if you're using a character like Lucina, who can change classes and use different weapons, feel free to have them be in a different class and use a different weapon. Characters like Pit can also use different weapons as well. If you're using a character like Mario, Yoshi, Bowster, etc, then you don't really need this section. Personality: This does not have to be long. You can make this a small paragraph and I won't have an issue. Powers: For characters like Rosalina, Mewtwo, etc. If you're using a Fire Emblem character or Pit, etc, then this isn't really necessary. Use your best judgment. Optional Sections If you want to detail your characters more, maybe include these: Nicknames/Aliases: Habits/Quirks: Talents/Hobbies: Fears: Relationships: Likes and Dislikes: [/hider] [/center]