[@hatakekuro] (Im replying to Hatake only out of laziness. Since the timeskip is here and all...) In the midst of his shooting, he heard what the stretchy man said to him. Now, he doesn't mind people yelling at him at all. But, insult his height, and he becomes an enraged monster... "Pipsqueak?...." He muttered. Firing off a few more deadly shots towards the marine that were still rushing towards them. He tucked his rifle under his arms and saw the marine being tossed at him. In a fit of shear anger, he jumped up, did a pirouette in the air and kicked the marine square in the chin. The marine spun around and flew back towards Roma... "Pipsqueak? Look here, fuck boy, I don't mind if you crack a joke about things I did or whatever. But, if you ever joke about my height again, I will kill you..." He said, more calm than furious. As he finished his words, he slung the rifle over his shoulder and secured it again. He decided that he needed to actually hit someone to relieve some of the anger he has about him right now. He hopped off the platform he was on. As he landed, he drew his sword with his right hand and kicked off the ground as hard as he could. Dashing in a zigzag pattern, he ran past the people who are apparently on the same side as he was and towards several marines. Moments later, he flicked his sword at the ground. Blood splattered and several marines fell as well. ..... When the dust had settled, the ship was theirs it seems. He sat in the corner, away but still near everyone else. He was cleaning his sword and making sure his guns were in good order. "Sure! Ignore the guy with the highest kill count thus far, thats fine. I'm not injured at all. I'm not bleeding anywhere. I'm perfectly fine..." He said. Afterwards, he muttered under his breath "Fuckers...Bunch of oafs." He looked towards the group. What a ragtag bunch...They were all wanted and labled as pirates now , having caused the recent mayhem