[center] [b]DEPOT -- LOADING AREA, NEW ANCHORAGE[/b] [/center] [hr] [b]“This is Commander Graham. I know many of you are still adjusting to the change in military administration, but the new pilots will be arriving within the hour and I need things to be in order. I want all personnel to look busy by that point. I will be reassigning the NC squadron sometime following the acquisition of these new pilots. Thank you.”[/b] Graham's voice resounded from the speakers in the supply depot facility of the base, where Joe Verona was expecting a delivery. As he stooked in the cargo loading & unloading area, a few of the workers seemed to look bored as they rattled on with nothing much to do. Joe didn't need to be at the depot, but he wanted to ensure his delivery arrived safely and was then delivered to Swarm's cache in the base's NC hangar. Hopefully it would arrive before he had to leave for lunch. Fifteen minutes passed until the supplies were scheduled to arrive, which it did with a minor delay of about two minutes. Personell quickly got back to work as they began unloading the crates, boxes, and cargo containers. Joe looked across the platform, trying to spot the crates of his delivery. He spotted them at the end of the industrial tram, being unloaded from an additional wagon. [b][i]“This one goes to the NC hangar! Unit 01!”[/i][/b] The voice of the depot chief, Maria Lopez, echoed over the depots PA system. It seemed that everything was being properly coordinated as far as Joe could tell, because he didn't have the patience for missteps if he continued to be stuck in New Anchorage. There was a sigh of relief as Joe was relieved to know the cargo had safely arrived, and the depot chief knew where it was supposed to go. He didn't expect less, but he wanted to make sure. As he had no reason to stay in the depot, he then proceeded to head back to the hangar, to ask engineering staff to test whether or not the speakers and their control circuits were working to their specifications. Joe himself didn't have the time to check them all on his own, especially with lunch and new personnel arriving soon. Fortunately, the hangar facility was directly adjacent to the depot facility so it wasn’t much of a trek across the base. Once in the hangar, he headed back towards the NC station hub. Joe moved almost in a double-step before stopping at the base of where Swarm was stationed. A large “01” lining across the walls in faded black paint. The engineer currently working there was one he was familar with but hadn't decided to converse with before. Joe cleared his throat to get the girl's attention. [color=edb25b]"Excuse me, a delivery of speakers and circuitry will soon arrive in the Swarm's cache, could you please help me check if they function correctly, I sadly don't have the time to check them all on my own."[/color] The engineer turned with wrench in hand, her black hair tied up in a rough ponytail. [color=ac00e6]“Hm? Oh! Hi! Yeah, that won’t be a problem at all. Is there anything else you need me to check for?”[/color] [color=edb25b]"Thank you, and there is nothing more I can think of right now, although you should probably know what the circuits are supposed to do before you check them."[/color] Joe paused, if the engineer already knew, he didn't have to explain their function in detail. [color=ac00e6]“I'll do some diagnostics beforehand, of course. Kind of like, electrical engineering 101.”[/color] [color=edb25b]"Ok, thanks."[/color] [color=ac00e6]“No problem! Let me know if you need anything else, okay?”[/color] [color=edb25b]"Will do."[/color]