Aww I liked Undertale a lot. Fun story. Fascinating metastory. Mechanically and thematically it was something that JRPGs desperately needed. I'm sort of glad it got absurdly popular because it raises the probability that more future game designers will take some of its lessons to heart (not that I'm dying to see the inevitable clones and fan spinoffs). In hindsight I'm not that surprised it got super popular with a certain kind of fan, since aside from its actual admirable qualities, it poked the drowsing mammoth that is Earthbound/Mother fandom pretty damn hard, and also Toby Fox does some of the music for Homestuck. Not that I blame anyone for not liking Undertale (or the Mother series, or Homestuck). They all definitely have some serious flaws. I think for me something about the sort of tongue-in-cheek aesthetic of works like these helps my brain give itself permission to shut off some of its more critically minded faculties and let me enjoy the works on their own terms. I have a lot of trouble doing that with most things anymore, so I find it inestimably valuable. But I think if you're brain doesn't respond that same way, these quickly become a harder sort of work to get into. EDIT: Did I just fixate on something from the previous page of discussion and start ranting about it like it was still on topic? Yes. Absolutely.