[color=Teal] [center] [h1] Hirose Reimi [/h1] [/center] [/color] [@Krinos Solstice] Though it was never truly her fault, Reimi could not get over it. Though one could not blame a child for their childish actions, it was not like Reimi could really forget what she had done. Her negligence was the reason why “it” had happened. [i] “How could it have be her fault?” “She it just a child.” “Leave her alone.” [/i] Despite one rationalizing this sort of incident as “not her fault”, in the end, the means were still what lead to the ends. It didn’t matter the excuses one could throw, from Reimi’s perspective she had cheated someone she cherished and because of that they could no longer be her friend. They could no longer be anyone’s friend. Even today Reimi thinks about if she had just not been selfish. If she had just simply left her ribbon in the park. But even that was a gift from “them”. Something she cherished even to this day. Though ribbons tended to be disposable for the most part, she refused to let go of the rather old cloth from her childhood, which many her age would consider somewhat odd. But Reimi, despite this incident, wanted to live a peaceful life. Something she was not used to entirely, but something she strove for her ideal. If Reimi had more courage in herself, she might proclaim something to the heavens: “I, Hirose Reimi, have a dream!”. Or perhaps some other cheesy line. She wished to have a bold personality, but her person tended towards the timid type, often taking themselves to the shadow and avoiding the limelight. Though her skills in most things were rather average, her ability to hold a conversation with someone she did not consider to be a friend was rather lackluster. And to become a friend it tended to take more effort than most would be willing to put in. Or perhaps, due to her easily flustered state of being, they would simply not wish to speak with her. After all, not a lot of people tended to enjoy speaking to people without skillful application of social skills, or at the very least a bare minimum understanding. However, even Reimi tended to avoid others. Though perhaps not completely actively, she tended solidarity over personal confrontation. However, there was one person that seemed to put effort towards understanding herself. An upper-classman she had met within the confines of school.Though normally introversive, the meek Reimi did not wish to be completely isolated from others to some degree. Even if they might one day abandon her, she could always simply retreat within herself once again. This person was one “Furukawa Shin”. Perhaps it was by chance but there existed an instance where the two had become friendly with one another through a coincidental meeting. Perhaps it was the mechanisms of fate turning their wheels, but Reimi was not one to really believe in fate, and even if she did to be a slave to fate was something she wanted to avoid. After all, fate in the romanticism books tended towards a painful death. And despite it being rather selfish, Reimi did not want to live in pain. [color=Teal]“M-maybe he is not busy today?” [/color] Naturally introverted, people tend toward a desire to at the very least establish some form of companionship. [i] [color=Teal] “Hello,” [/color] [/i] a message to Shin’s neurolinker said. [i] [color=Teal] “How are you doing?” [/color] [/i] Though many teens utilized slang and the like within the confines of their neulinker messages, Reimi seemed to understand very little about these sorts of colloquialisms of the modern day. After all, she did not tend to interact with many daily. [i] [color=Teal] “I was wondering if you would wish to accompany me somewhere. Well I don’t really know what sort of place you and I would both enjoy. And I know it is also raining, but I figure at the very least it would not be too much of an inconvenience. Unless it is too much of an inconvenience in which case just ignore I said anything. But maybe then we could share some sort of experience together. That is to say if that wouldn’t be against the plans you already had for the day. If that is the case I will apologize and retract my statement from…” [/color] [/i] … … ... You can probably see where this sort of message is going. [hr] [color=SteelBlue] [h1] [center] Evelina “Yuuki” Da Luca [/center] [/h1] [/color] One could say that Evelina, or better known as “Yuuki” to those around her, was an odd child compared to most others. Though many in Japan tended to have been born as a Japanese citizen, Yuuki was hardly that. Her mother and father were traveling diplomates, and her mother happened to be of Japanese descent, while her father was a European. Of course, such a differentiation of race should tend to not matter as much in a globalized world. However, it was not as if people didn’t tend towards those who were alike themselves. But Yuuki seemed to be accepted as if her European side never truly mattered, which was not something that Yuuki really disliked. Her parents travelled the world, leaving her daughter in Japan to study. Of course, it was not as if they told her she was unable to join them on their travels. Yuuki simply did not care for travelling anymore. During her youth, an incident had occurred that made her fear travel. Therefore it was not really abandonment by her parents. Yuuki had asked for this. Living with a relative of her mother for the last several years of her life, Yuuki seemed to have incorporated rather well, in Yuuki’s opinion, into the Japanese culture and her ability to speak Japanese was rather skillful and comparable to a native speaker. That being said, she actually was not very skilled in Japanese cultural understanding. Her Japanese was pretty good though. However, there existed a side to Yuuki that was different than the average Japanese student, besides the glaring fact she was half Japanese. Within the confines of her neurolinker, Yuuki held a special “game”; something that she considered “sacred”. A game that allowed for her to be part of a “community”. A Legion of sorts. Legions are, as most who play Brain Burst know, ruled by a King that governs the policies and the like of said Legion. However, the leader of her Legion had been missing for many years, thrown into anarchy. Though some would choose to take this opportunity to leave the legion. But even if her Legion Master was missing Yuuki, or better known as [color=SteelBlue] “Prussian Palatine” [/color] , only considered the former Black King as her leader. If they would not show up and would be replaced by another, there was a high likelihood that [color=SteelBlue] Prussian Palatine [/color] would leave the Black Legion. Either way, [color=SteelBlue] Prussian Palatine [/color] was looking for a matchmaking game in Brain Burst. Maybe someone would be brave enough to challenge them.