[center][hider=STEPHEN][center] [hr][img]http://static.tumblr.com/de21b63d2596a258ed6c3ad5eb524113/jdepiyt/x35myhfdn/tumblr_static_1.jpg[/img] [color=#0099cc]S T E P H E N M A R C E T[/color] [hr][color=#33ccff]AGE:[/color] 18 [color=#33ccff]BDAY:[/color] January 19 [color=#33ccff]ETHNICITY:[/color] Italian [color=#33ccff]OCCUPATION:[/color] Serves as a waiter at East Quarter Cafe part time [color=#33ccff]ORIENTATION:[/color] Bisexual [color=#33ccff]PERSONALITY:[/color] Stephen is a very sociable guy, who gets along with almost everyone around him. He would actually be one of the top students in his school, if he wasn’t so lazy all the time and sleeping in class. He is an extrovert and hates being alone, getting bored very easily if he was by himself. He is very active, always having to move and is always on the way to somewhere, you will rarely see him at home. He also loves seeing new places and discovering new things. He can also be a natural airhead sometimes :3 [color=#33ccff]HISTORY:[/color] His mother works as one of the dealers in the King of Hearts Casino and his father is the manager for Lucky Spaces. His family lives nearby his school, enabling him to walk to and home from school easily. Stephen spends most of his time hanging out at different food places eating big portions of food and somehow he doesn’t gain any weight. He also works part-time at the East Quarter Cafe on the weekends to earn some extra money. [color=#33ccff]HABITS:[/color] Tends to fall asleep a lot in school. [color=#33ccff]HOBBIES:[/color] He is a swimmer. [color=#33ccff]FEARS:[/color] Massively scared of heights. Absolutely hates horror movies. [color=#33ccff]LIKES AND DISLIKES:[/color] He hates attending school, listening to all the boring lectures the teachers give that drones on and on. He also hates losing to a person, whether they were younger than him or older. He likes to eat really good food and hang with a lot of people. He also loves puppies <3 and small animals in general. [img]https://lh4.ggpht.com/klg5Hm--A1iUGdEP6fyRk4nTzOiARz0R-WkHl3NuudaUAkz1eWYr2zOhv22-i1F4PPA3=w300[/img][hr][/center][/hider][/center]