Sagax found himself back on the docks. It was strangely clear of all debris, but the Kamal ships still lingered at the end of the piers. He and the other defenders steeled themselves for the coming onslaught; shields were raised, formations held strong, and tense hands gripped the handles of swords. Ramps smacked against the stonework with a deafening clang that seemed to echo for miles, shaking trees and scattering the local wildlife. All was silent for but a few moments, then the Imperial heard the unmistakable crashing of Kamal boots, heading steadily closer. The fog that lazily danced on the river floated towards the docks, and enveloped the towering warriors; they truly looked like demons; heralds of destruction. War cries shattered the heavens, the rallying howls of the defenders fighting against the beastly roars of the Snow Demons. The demons charged, and Sagax could bear to watch the advance no longer, and he closed his eyes, though hands still on his blade, waiting for the inevitable. Suddenly, he was struck by silence. Not even the winds of the northern coast dared to tread this battlefield. When Sagax looked back up, his eyes were met with a barren set of piers. Whirling his head in each direction, he struggled desperately to find both his comrades and signs of the Kamal. Where had they all gone? Jorwen, Do'Karth, Sadri, Roze, even Dumhuvud were all absent. His eyes were brought back towards the outstretched piers when he heard the shuffling of heavy boots. It was then Sagax once again locked eyes with the Kamal mage. Did he lock eyes? He couldn't even be sure of that, the giant was so monstrous and alien. Sagax tried to raise his blade, but he found himself disarmed; his sword had simply disappeared! He had no time to find it, as the mage weaved their arms in the same intricate pattern as he had seen before. With one final strike with its arm, the Kamal launched a massive mound of glowing arcane ice. It did not break off, and it did not slow, it sailed steadily toward him. Sagax was paralyzed, locked in place by an unseen force, and could only look onward, stupefied, at the missile. Just before the spell hit him, Sagax was awoken by the loud shattering of glass. He swung himself upright, even before he opened his eyes. He was back at Candlehearth, in the room Roze had gotten for him with the money she stole from some layabout. As his senses came back to him, Sagax heard more ruckus coming from outside. Grabbing his sword, he headed out into the main hall of the inn. He was met with the sight of Argonians, climbing through a shattered window and beating on an unconscious guard. He thought he caught a glimpse of Tsleeixth out of the corner of his eye, but he wasn't sticking around to confirm. "[i]What the fuck is going on in this city!?[/i]" he thought to himself. This was no time to riot, Gods damned fools! Sagax reached over to the door opposite his room, and banged heavily on it. "Roze, we've got a problem! You need to get up, and get out of the inn [i]now![/i]" Smacking the door a few more times for good measure, he hoped the rogue would heed his advice. The door was locked and he had no time to go about breaking it down to make sure she got her ass moving; more and more rioters were filling the front room. No way he'd be getting out the front door...wait, wasn't there a window in that hallway? Looking behind him, at the very end of the corridor, was indeed a window. Just big enough for him to fit through as well, what luck; and if he could fit through, Roze definitely could. She's a smart girl, she'd put the pieces together quickly when she came out of her room, Sagax was certain. Grabbing a bit of pottery, Sagax smashed open the glass of the window frame, using his scabbard to jab out any large remnants before sliding through. The chaos only became more apparent as his feet touched the ground; the Imperial could hear yelling, the breaking of glass, and even the clashing of steel. Peeking his head out from behind the back wall of the inn, Sagax stared, mouth agape, at the growing crowd near the front gate of Windhelm. He could hear screams about "the Hist", and needing to go back to Blackmarsh. What was happening at Blackmarsh? Actually, more importantly, Sagax decided of his growing list of question, why the hell were people trying to leave [i]during a siege???[/i] They would all die the moment they stepped out the gate! Didn't they know that they Kamal were waiting across the bridge!? The guards were trying to keep the rioters back, and Sagax could make out Jorwen amongst the crowd, with some strange, and rather ugly, men following him. He was talking to Do'Karth, who had been yelling for peace and calm. The chaos around him, sadly, did not cease. Why a riot, of all things? During a SIEGE, of all times? Sagax felt like smacking his head against the bricks he was hiding behind until everything just went away. But nothing could just be so simple. He would need to find some way to help calm the roaring crowd. But what? The Imperial stayed behind his cover while trying to think of something, anything that could be done to cease the ever-increasing hostilities. Too bad for Sagax, this problem couldn't be solved by running blindly into danger with explosives in hand.