Kaze awoke to the blaring of an ambulance's siren. His eyes opening slowly, he found himself actually within such a vehicle with emergency workers buzzing around inside. However, their focus was not him. He was sore, and thought one of his cheeks felt tender as if perhaps burned, but very little damage had been done otherwise. Instead, the workers focused on a man lying next to Kaze. One who looked familiar, but for all the damage done to him, it took a moment to truly recognize. The man was the Avatar of Lugia. "Lucas!" he whispered, his voice hoarse. Shushing him, one of the workers explained, "He should be ok. He took a lot of damage out there, but his vitals are ok for now. Maybe not guaranteed stable, but he'll at least make it until we can get him more attention." The ride to the Pokemon Center wasn't long after that. Lucas was unloaded first, being the subject of greatest concern, and carted somewhere Kaze knew not. Meanwhile, they brought Kaze to the front waiting room, and a nurse explained everything there. "We need to check you for internal injuries with x-rays, and we'll see how to treat you from there." Kaze nodded. He wasn't sure what else to do. Then they brought him to a room with machines unlike any he had seen before. He protested when they removed his Soothe Bell, but they explained that it could interfere with the x-ray, and he could have it back after. When that was over, he was told his only injuries were external. Brought to a smaller room, he was placed in a capsule which seemed to scan him over a number of times, with each scan seeming to ease his aches and pains further. When at last it was finished, he was brought in a wheelchair out to the waiting room again, and the same nurse from before approached him. Handing him his Soothe Bell, she said, "Here. This belongs to you." "Thanks. So . . . they didn't tell me, what was that last machine they put me in?" "It's one we use for healing Pokemon about your size, the ones that don't like Pokeballs. When it was discovered Chancey's Heal Pulse worked on Avatars, the decision was made to bring you here where we could treat your injuries as Pokemon rather than humans, since we can heal Pokemon much more quickly than humans can be healed." "What about Lucas; is he ok?" "He will be. He's taking a little more than you to heal, but he should be perfectly fine in a few hours. For now, there's someone who I think would like to see you." Stepping aside, the nurse revealed a worried, yet healthy, Chimecho whose expression melted into joy at the sight of Kaze. "Jingle!" he shouted, and the Pokemon flew to his arms, nestling in with such passion as it had never done before. "I'm so glad you're safe," he told it, keeping it close to his chest. Looking back up at the nurse, he asked, "May I go see Lucas?" "I'd imagine he's stable enough. Might be asleep, though, so we'll have to keep it down." Taking the handles of the wheelchair, she moved Kaze to another room, where Lucas lay on a standard white hospital cot. Though it went without saying, his hair had definitely seen better days. And as the nurse had predicted, he was currently sound asleep. Not that anyone could blame him. [color=f49ac2][i]"Lucas, you've got a visitor,"[/i][/color] Jingle projected to the sleeping avatar's mind, seeing if the thought would stir him.