[hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/JrQwm27.png[/img] [sub][i][b]“I'm no longer accepting the things I cannot change, I'm changing the things I cannot accept.”[/b][/i] A N G E L A D A V I S[/sub][/center] [hr][hr][center][color=D14F43][sub][b]K I N G M A K E R[/b][/sub][/color][/center] [b]K A Z N I A - E U R O P E[/b] [indent][center][img] http://i.imgur.com/i27t1q3.png[/img][/center] [color=D14F43][i]All right. All right, take it slow.[/i][/color] Diana pushed her arms out, the machine that had minutes before been tearing through the skies now was struggling against the strength of a god. Though due to Diana’s own anxiety and the effects of the fight with Giganta she wasn’t exactly operating at one-hundred percent. Lacking the ability of herself at full capacity didn’t make Diana any less of a problem for her enemies as they could very much tell. A lot of it was [i]rage[/i]— something Diana had spent years learning how to fuel into combat. Unlike others who would get blinded by their emotions Diana knew how to [i]direct[/i] it and in scenarios like this that was such an ability that worked to her favor. Which was a sentiment that the pilot inside the war machine in front of her was beginning to understand as fear began to set in to their stomach. A fear that was justified as the amazon’s left hand began to clutch the metal it was digging into as Diana kept pushing back. [b][color=D14F43]“Not today.”[/color][/b] Diana spat as she threw all of her strength into her arms— sending the flying war machine sprawling back before going into a spin before colliding with the side of a mountain, but not before the pilot ejected from the machine. Diana turned to face the Royal Castle of Kaznia and frowned. A trail of smoke and fire was flowing from the ancient structure as the surrounding area was littered with destroyed husks of what were once metal goliaths of war machines from bipedal tanks to attack helicopters. The last one that had assaulted the castle was now crashing down the side of a mountain. Diana may have been late to arrive but she definitely made up for the time Giganta absorbed in two cities over. Still, there was much more to be done. The echoing thunder of automatic gunfire drew Diana’s attention now— this attack on infrastructure would not go unpunished. [b][color=D14F43]“By Athena, this ends now.”[/color][/b] Diana dropped down to the ground outside of the castle’s doors with a hard thud. There would be no slowing down. Not now. Not when there were innocent lives in danger.[/indent]