Concetta watched the Don’s eyes as he kissed her knuckles, intense and sultry. He was certainly a man who knew his way around a woman’s heart and as much as he intrigued her she knew he was likely no good for her. As Abigail made her way out of the study Concetta took a seat where the Don had gestured and crossed her legs softly, making sure her dress did not rise too much but stayed at her knees. She saw how the enforcer seemed put off by her and her sister’s entrance and Concettta had to admit it had been a bit rude. She must remember to apologize later. She did not want to start out a new job angering a possibly important co-worker. “My sister is very kind to me; I will work hard to live up to what she has said.” Vincent saw the remaining people out of his study and turned back to the lovely young woman that seemingly was looking for employment and was the perfect fit according to Abigail. He stepped over to his liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of aged bourbon, lifting a glass and looking toward her with a smile. "Your sister is a hard ass and wouldn't dare bring anyone before me that she didn't think could impress me thoroughly. Drink?" He poured a glass unsure if it would be hers or his. Concetta smile as the Don spoke of Abigail; she knew he spoke truthfully. "I am sure this is true Senor." Her Spanish pronunciation of 'Mr' was spot on, a thing she had learned from the Don's uncle in New York. As he offered her a drink she politely declined, preferring her alcohol to be in the form of a glass of wine if at all. "I am sure she has told you of my work in New York." Her voice was soft, not pressing or egotistical. "I did well there and was well received and I hope to be more successful here." His eyebrow lifted slightly at her correct pronunciation, Abagail's sister somewhat of a mystery to him at best and yet he trusted his underboss with his life and his fortune. He took a sip of his liquor, enjoying the hot burn as it rushed down his throat. Walking toward her he kept his posture and attention very professional, his own thoughts of the beauty before him well hidden. He sat down before her on a large leather chair, reclining a little and acknowledging the girl as she spoke. "I have heard that you did a good job for my Uncle, but please do fill me in on what exactly you were involved in. We are looking for someone to assist us in maintaining the facade of good citizenship and helping keep us legally sound. This is what Abigail proposed I speak with you about." Concetta's smile became genuine as she felt the Don's subtle surprise at her well worded Spanish. As he sat and relaxed she kept her own posture straight, her ankles crossed and laid softly to the side. "Of course. I did a lot of paper work up keep, making sure everything was well documented or not depending as well as kept up with acronyms and other...secrete keeping necessities. I also kept up with various charities I eventually convinced your uncle to open or become a part of. While I was not the consig for your uncle I did assist him and so learned a great deal of the legal aspect of the job." He nodded, quite impressed. "Well, I'm willing to allow you to join us and work as my consig as long as you're willing to move into the castle. I do not want you left unprotected and I want access to you quite readily. First things first... move your stuff in and then work up a model for how we better protect ourselves here in Miami. You've a week to bring it to me and impress me. If you're anything like your sister you will blow my mind. Make sure you look at everything. Study the city, the people, our lifestyle and everything else so that you can make a one-sweep change if needed. Consider it a wish list as well." He took another long drink of his drink and looked at his watch. He'd need to wrap this up, but he certainly enjoyed the view. “Move in…of course.” She faltered for a few moments but caught herself. It was going to be a very different kind of living arrangement but she would learn. “I understand and I will be sure to include all aspects of the business.” She smiled and stood. “I see you are busy so I will leave you to your business.” With that she nodded her head in respect after being dismissed and made her way out.