[h1][center] [color=92278f]Arania[/color] [/center][/h1] Arania woke in her room in the attic. It was remarkably well lit, with two rather large square windows letting in the ambient light to her room. All of the wood in the room had aged beautifully until it was a soft bronze. Overall, the room was rather messy, clothing strewn about on the back of her chair with a stack of papers on the seat. There were similarly large stacks of paper and books littering the desk in her room which had a metal lamp with a burnt out bulb sitting in the center. Behind that were boxes as far as the eye could see, stacked on top of each other and piled high with god knows what. On the other side of the room was an untidy bookshelf with papers scattered along the entire thing. Her bed was nestled in a small room all on its own, with what appeared to be some kind of easel and a golden harp at the foot of the bed. The harp had been freshly oiled, and looked well taken care of, and the easel was holding a blank square of canvas. Arania had only just recently moved into the attic, and cleaning it out to move her own things in had proved more difficult than she'd first expected. She'd thought maybe she could do it alone.. but apparently.. she'd bit off more than she could chew when she realized just how much stuff was in the attic. She'd already thrown out boxes of strange things, including what looked like a human hand in a jar. Her own stuff was near the bookshelf, neat and tidy boxes stacked and labeled, nothing like the mess on the other side of the room. So she'd decided to make some changes and enlist a little help. None of her flat mates were ever going to come up here, she could already see in their faces that they weren't necessarily the most keen in having her live here. She curled her lip at the mess, and then shook her head. Any second now the human she'd tricked should be here. With the human here, she wouldn't have to worry about cleaning. And.. maybe the human could offer her some company in the house. Arania lowered herself down the ladder, landing delicately on her feet as she stared down the long hallway. Even this part of the house fell ancient, the creeky wooden staircase was just another reminder. She was just in time to hear the knock at the door, a small smile spreading across her face. She slowly opened the door, gazing over at the human who waited for her. A pretty young thing with greyish blue-green eyes, and flowing orange hair. Perhaps Arania had chosen the girl because she wished she could look like her. Or maybe it was because she thought if she could surround herself in beauty.. perhaps in time the others would grow to accept her. She held out two hands to the young woman, a small smile stretched across her face. Unnaturally black eyes with red pupils focused on the girl. [color=92278f]"Welcome, child."[/color] she stated in a voice as smooth as silk.