Posting for approval. [hider=Iikka Guiomar][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Iikka Guiomar [i]Terran Operator[/i] [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 33 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [hider=Description]Iikka has a slight frame, weighing around 130 pounds or 59 kilograms while being 6 '2 feet or 1.90 meters tall. Their skin has a faint copper hue, their limbs are wiry with faint cords of muscle, and their build is lean and scrawny - Iikka is often mistaken for being younger than they really are due to their undersized build, much to his irritation. His face is generally described as foxish, being angular while possessing prominent cheekbones and orbital ridges. Their mouth has a faint asymmetrical skew to the left due to the high frequency with which Iikka smirks, and their eyes are a striking orange coloration. His hair is long, tawny, scragly, and usually drawn into a pony-tail, worn so his brow and ears are kept clear. Iikka possess a small tattoo of [url=]some obscure symbol[/url] behind the fold of his right ear, which cannot be viewed from the front.[/hider][hider=Biography]Iikka was born on the planet Letona, a water-logged planet with largely swampy landmasses home to a Ruthekk cloister, with a small population of Terrans and Zaetarian. His parents were tender and loving of him for the first year and a half of his life, until an incident where an intruder stole into their home - and into Iikka's nursery - in the dead of night. Although Iikka was not harmed and nothing was stolen, his parents' treatment of him changed drastically, turning to that of pure neglect and apathy for no clear reason. Iikka spent most of the next seven years either being foisted off onto other Terran families in the colony for care or simply being locked indoors. When Iikka turned eight, his parents legally disowned him and remanded his custody to the Letona cloister. Uncertain as to what to do with a young Terran boy, the Ruthekk decided they did not want Terrans mixed in with their own fostered juveniles and instead relegated him to a ward that housed orphaned Zartarian hatchlings. Iikka thus spent the height of his childhood surrounded by a glut of colorfully depraved reptilians who spent the better part of their time devising new ways to physically and emotionally scar the abandoned boy, in addition to the occasion poisoning attempt. He quickly adapted to the malice that surrounded him in the ward, finding ways to turn his tormentors against each other while steeling his heart against their hateful words. His Ruthekk handler made note of his deft social jockeying against all odds as the years went on, and when Iikka turned sixteen learned that he had been recommended for training and hire as a possible Ruthekk-sponsored corsair and smuggler on the nearby Terran world of Irenenon. Having been disowned by his parents and born without Terran space, Iikka possessed limited rights and protection under Terran law, making the necessarily illicit career of corsair nonetheless the best possible state of affairs for a person in his position. While initially confused and unsure of himself while navigating the unfamiliar bureaucracy of a world civilized to the point of amicability relative to the schemes of a Zartarian glut - while also struggling with a sudden upsurge in hormones and culture shock due to his abrupt reintroduction to his own species after nearly a decade of separation. Upon realizing that his experience with utility logic and social instigation put him ahead of the curve relative to millions of law-abiding traders and civilians though, he quickly set to work; to this day the Ruthekk sovereignty still lists Iikka Guiomar as the foremost factor in the development of the previously untapped Irenenon-Ruthekk black market. For nearly five years Iikka made a commanding income for himself while making many powerful contacts and allies amongst the local interstellar underworld, and felt something approaching contentment. However, his streak of good fortune ended when a run of romantic affairs concurrent with a pointed private investigation as well as a sting operation revealed that his his exposure to Zartarian poisons earlier in life had rendered him sterile while also shattering his identity as corsair. The Ruthekk Sovereignty retained just enough gratitude for his service to fish him out of hot water before dismissing him from service, forcing him to spend most of his acquired fortune in bribes just to escape the local media region and away from an irate Terran colonial authority in the midst of a civil war, with the execution of smugglers and 'non-national Terrans' rising to disturbing heights. Iikka spent the next six years simply building himself back up as an independent in the information game and trade; using his knowledge and connections to act as a fixer for smugglers rather than having to dirty his own hands which turned out to be eminently safer and more profitable. More cautious after his time as a corsair had blown up in his face, Iikka became reclusive and protective of his identity - and so learned of the individual who was tracking him down weeks before they arrived. Whoever the entity was, they were resourceful and unafraid of throwing money around - and strangely difficult to identify despite the large waves they had been making. Fearing some victim who had the business end of an illicit shipment pointed at them in the past had come back to hunt him down, Iikka moved quickly. Unwilling to leave the information and smuggling trade but hesitant to remain where he was and at risk, he joined the crew of the [i]SV Brightburn[/i], figuring that living a double life as a mercenary, always on the move, would be sufficient to deter his pursuer until they finally ran out of money or just gave up. That was five years ago, and Iikka stopped hearing about their mysterious pursuant in the last two - but has found his position aboard the [i] Brightburn[/i] to be suitably advantageous to his needs...[/hider][hider=Profile]Iikka's temperament is one born from living amongst a glut of hostile Zartharians for the better part of a decade. On the surface he projects an air of easy confidence, social dominance and a lazy, brutish swagger - the image of a mocking, mischievous trickster in effect. However, underneath, and as revealed through his actions, his is a melancholy disposition. Nearly everything he says he carefully rehearsed or thought out, and as a result Iikka is a talented and fluid improv artist. He will freely lie as easily as he breaths, though never implausibly so - making even the truth suspect to those who know him too well. As an exceptionally skilled social operator, Iikka can shift through and discard roles and personas effortlessly; walk into a room and either be the life of the party, a fly on the wall, or the one bad apple. His experience in dealing with others, especially criminals and those with plenty to hide, has made him good at judging others' temperaments and modes of thinking, making him an excellent mediator and negotiator when called for. On a more personal level Iikka is highly wary and pushes those near to him away due to a mixture of anxiety from past experiences and the resulting caution, as well as a deep-rooted degree of general insecurity and self-doubt. While Iikka is generally competent and an excellent social manipulator, he is nonetheless used to things never really going his way, automatically assuming a cynical point of view and assuming only the worst as realistically possible.[/hider][hider=Medical Profile]Iikka spent the better part of his childhood and adolescence being occasionally drugged and poisoned by Zartharians, and as such possesses great tolerance for most of their cultural cocktails - as well as a general, heightened tolerance for most toxins in general. This same exposure to the reptilian specie's poisons has also apparently left him sterile. The same Zartharian glut that took such pleasure in having him poisoned also got their kicks in through physically abusing Iikka to such an extent that he required a plasmodium augmentation just so he could heal from the last broken rib or laceration before the next one arrived. As a result he heals at an accelerated rate. Iikka's blood will clot and seal minor to moderate dermal injuries in moments, and he can recover from severe trauma in the form of breaks and puncture wounds in mere days. Fractures are the one of the few remaining forms of physical injury he requires medical intervention in order to heal from properly, though it should be noted that the augmentation merely accelerates natural healing and will not enable the recovery of lost body parts. The specific augmentation is rare but not unheard of amongst the Ruthekk species, but is nearly undocumented amongst Terrans despite its status as a co-species treatment.[/hider][hider=Equipment]Iikka, like any self-respecting showsman and face, uses very specific and and tools. Fighting is not really his thing considering he can talk his way out of most problems, but he takes to risk like he takes to poker - never stand against more than one player, never run a straight, buy everyone a drink, and know when to fold. His equipment is largely non-lethal, or else mitigatory in nature. [b][u]Thermal-Ballistic Vest:[/u][/b] A ballistic vest woven using thermally conductive fibers with surface-seated heat sinks built-in, Iikka's ballistic vest lends his appearance a little more bulk which he finds advantageous in order to keep people from mistaking him for being younger than he actually is. Despite this, the model is still relatively light and thus of limited protection against ballistic projectiles, capable of taking one or two direct small-to-medium caliber rounds before losing integral strength. However, it is enormously more effective in deterring fire from energy weapons, capable of redirecting the heat from plasma and ablative lasers efficiently across its entire surface while dumping excess energy into capacitors and heat-sinks that line the surface of the vest. Iikka can endure sustained fire from both pulse and stream type energy weapons with a reasonable chance of survival, assuming everybody is aiming for his chest. [b][u][url=]FCZS Bloodmist[/url]:[/u][/b] Iikka's weapon of choice for nearly any engagement, social or otherwise. An unorthodox weapon designed by the Zuthekk that fires shells packed with powdered metal flechettes, the predominant draw of this weapon is its chemical injection system, which can soak loaded flachettes with any liquid compound so long as it is not so volatile that the shell is ruined. The weapon is subsonic and the shell breaks apart upon leaving the barrel, making it a silent shot-gun style anti-armor weapon that, with multiple shells of differing flechette density, makes for a versatile close-quarters weapon. Iikka has used it on many occasions to tranquilize rowdy belligerents by filling their esophagus with sedative-laced metal shards...and he has also used it to kill using less pleasant concoctions or heavy-density shells. The weapon is extremely risky to use in unpressurized atmospheres due to the potential for blowback. [b][u][url=]DC-15 Tibanna[/url]:[/u][/b] For when things go wrong. The DC-15 fires weakly coherent bolts of thermobaric plasma. The weapon has low stopping power, but has a unique niche market draw that few other weapons possess. The pistol houses a fission pile in the grip that acts as a free-neutron emitter in conjunction with the pistol aperture, meaning that as long as there is an atmosphere for it to fire in, the DC-15 can never run out of ammunition or power, and only needs to be reloaded once every sixteen and a half billion years. However, the weapon only stores a limited quantity of gas for its fusor chamber at a time, meaning it can only fire a limited number of shots before more atmosphere needs to be drawn into the barrel, limiting its rate of fire. Additionally, certain atmospheres - particularly caustic ones by way of example - can corrode or ruin the interior barrel.[/hider][/hider]