[@everyone] Upon stepping on the desk, a rather straight forward asking him who he was and tilted his head with a big toothy grin.'I- ----------------------- Hours passed since the marine ship had been stolen by this strange bunch, though losing the marines tailing them proved difficult at first. Now both the marines and rum island were left behind them, but the Doctor still wondered what Fenrir true aim was with the whole execution. Whatever it was, it didn't matter at this point and currently relaxed on a box; book in his left hand and an apple in the right swiped from the kitchen. His introductions had been cut short by the sudden marine attack that forced them to set off, which allowed him to slip away until things quieted down. Flipping the page and a bite of the apple, this pale individual keeping to himself for the time being as he had nothing to do with the others on the ship. He would mind his own business and let them do what they like until they reached land so that he may switch ships to continue on his way, course he was unsure of where to go at this point but a destination would come to him eventually. So he read quietly until some moron prattled on about being the strongest, the kid's voice brimming with arrogance and an egocentric cockiness that seemed to match it. Hearing him challenge them against his words; rolling his eyes beneath his glasses, knowing he wanted nothing to do with this one especially. Turning his head back down to resume reading, expecting some fights to break out and intended to keep his nose out of it.