[quote=@Wisp] [@DeadBeatWalking] Hot damn I [i]love[/i] this. Captain Planet was my jam growing up. I've got real life responsibilities to tend to right now, but I'll be submitting a character sheet as soon as possible. Do we post it here, or PM it to you? [/quote] Glad to see the interest! If you want help with it, PM me. If it's done and you want to stake a claim on a position/element, feel free to post it here. I'm currently considering a Leader/Air character, just because I feel like those will be the two least desirable, though if any of you lurkers are interested in either, speak up! [hr] [quote=@Mr Allen J] Captain [i]fucking [/i]planet. I can't leave my interest because school is currently kicking my ass. [/quote] [img]http://i.imgur.com/UJefxQG.gif?noredirect[/img] If school ever lets up, there's always a spot for you here.