[quote=@VATROU] [@Paper Angel] HA! You finally gave Ded a taste of his own medicine, now he knows how we feel with all the Greek and Latin he types out. But yeah those darn Eldritch beings, always making their names so unpronounceable. [/quote] Not really. At least I was curious enough to give spaces between words. Ancient Greeks and Romans would not have given you that luxury. :hehe [quote=@Fallenreaper] I have to go with Ded on this. XD *for once, walks over to his side of this* Just this once! [/quote] YES! Join the good side, Fallen! [quote=@Fallenreaper] *head grows horns* Careful, I'm a little devilish... I was going to use another term, but Ded would've killed me! [/quote] And you were doing so well too... :hehe