[@Altered Tundra] Hopefully this isn't demanding XD Type of Request: Signature Stock: [url=http://pre03.deviantart.net/e2d0/th/pre/f/2013/036/c/e/warm_sunrise_in_peach_by_qauz-d5twr2j.jpg]This ^^[/url] (Make it a little darker, maybe a slight tinge of purple :D. Toss some cooler colours in there, blue, purples, things like that but keep the sun it's original colour. Sorry if it seems needy XD) Size: I'm not really sure what size since I'm not much of a size guy but whatever fits it perfectly would be good :) Avatar: http://pre10.deviantart.net/642d/th/pre/i/2005/033/b/5/evanescent_sunrise_by_aquasixio.jpg (Make it a little brighter please, tints of orange and yellow in there :D) Text: "I love that this morning's sunrise does not define itself by last night's sunset" - Steve Maraboli (Siggy only, no text on avvy)