Guided by raw instinct, experience, and the narrow direction the emotions were coming from, Hez trekked through the dark color-blob first, followed by the rest of the team. She looked blank and vapid while gazing left and right through the gelatinous area, the eerie colors jiggling like jello beneath their feet. Smaller and brighter-colored blob pieces akin to jelly beans squiggled beneath the surface like parasites, but they were just part of the scenery, not monsters. A few more steps later, Hez's seemingly aimless wandering led the party to a lone white refrigerator sitting within this colorful mess. It was a standard home fridge, but this was large enough to walk inside. It had numerous blue-colored letter magnets attached all over in random fashion, not spelling anything out in particular. "Good work, Hez!" Lin congratulated her partner, then investigated the fridge. She told the others, "Looks like this is the entrance. From here, things might start to get nasty." As the others got ready to enter the real dungeon, Hez noticed that something was a little off about the magnets. Of the nearly one hundred blue letters littering the white appliance, only three of them were colored red - an I, a C, and an N. She didn't know if this had any meaning, so she opted not to mention it to Lin. The group was more focused on dealing with the immediate problem at hand.