The rain continued, falling on the shoulders of Kazue as he walked the streets of the city. He was now blocks away from his house and he hadn't brought an umbrella, a decision he now regrets. The water was starting to seep into his shoes, he could feel the awkward squish of his soles and socks between his toes. Kazue sighed in annoyance. "Should'a brought an umbrealla..." Instead of continuing to walk to a familiar restaurant or store to buy some food, he entered the first eatery he saw just to get out of the rain. He stood out front of the place, it was a cafe, a cafe he hadn't been to before but definitely heard of. It was called "Angel Mort," a small cafe that was on the outskirts of the downtown area. Kazue recalled a time when his mother pushed him to go out more, even if that meant giving him money to go eat out. She saw it as a way to let him be around people more without necessarily having to talk to them, of course this was a time when Kazue wasn't in school. Kazue let out an intrigued sigh, and nodded his head, thinking to homself [i] What the heck, i'll try it[/i]. He pushed open the door with a bit of apprehension, stepping inside the establishment. The Atmosphere in the cafe was warming, it wasn't as eccentric as he earlier thought. That was, until he saw the servers in maid costumes. With the little social activity that he has, it's not often you see girl in maid outfits, not in real life at least. He was greeted with smiles all around from the waitresses, them giving him a greeting that they almost all said sync. Kazue blushed slightly and raised his hand to wave, finding himself a seat by one of the front windows. Kazue looked at the menu, trying to find anything that could pass for a satisfying lunch. It was a creamy coffee and a ham sandwich that was cute nicely into triangles that pointed upwards. Before Kazue started to eat he raised his hand upwards, opening the message menu in his neurolinker. [i]You have 0 messages[/i] Kazue shrugged his shoulders, and huffed slightly. Nothing new there. With a few more waves of his and a bit of typing, he'd found the cafes website. He read up on the establishment, thinking there wasn't anything better to do while he eats. He would jump into one of the Global networks virtual spaces, but he wasn't really in the mood to play games by himself right now. After a bit of browsing, he swiped away the screens in his view. He took a few bites out of the sandwich and looked around the cafe. The place wasn't extremely busy, but it had quite a bit of customers. Most of them seemed like regulars, but it was obvious there was people who don't come here every day. The customers who would chat with the servers and call them by names or nicknames would be the regulars, and the people who would keep to themselves and use their manners excessively would be the people who don't come often. If didn't have much to do today, but he definitely wasn't going to spend it at this cafe. He continued to eat his sandwich and drink his coffee, this was one of those times where he actually enjoyed having the company of others. It was almost comical, every day his parents urge him to go out and be around people, but the one time they don't force him to do it, is the one time he actually enjoys it. Kaz decided he'd stay for a little bit longer before going on about his day, letting the food settle in his stomach as he reclined in the hard wooden chair. Another sigh of both contempt and satisfaction.