[center][color=firebrick][h1] Gabriel Davidson[/h1][h2] Obstacle Tower [/h2][sub] Interacting with Syleste ([@Vicier])[/sub][/color][/center] [color=firebrick]The world had simply melted away, and Gabe was left standing there looking at Syleste with his own cheeks turning bright red. Gabriel wasn’t always the first to pick up on social queues, however, as soon as she spoke, he felt that distinct feeling building in his chest. Did Syleste really share the same feelings as him? The thought sent shocks of varying emotions, from excitement to nervousness, surging through him. [/color] [color=lightpink]“I, uh… I-I wanted to wish-… Well, to wish you good luck… I mean, it’s your first quest right..? First time away from the camp… from your friends, your brother… from me…”[/color] [color=firebrick]Wishing someone good luck was something most people would say to a friend about to do anything, however, those words coming from Syleste seemed like so much more than when others would say it. When she specifically mentioned him being away from her, Gabriel didn’t know what to say. He simply smiled and replied, “T- Thanks Syl.” Gabriel simply stood there for a minute in the silence, before his body moved on pure instinct and adrenaline brought on by the emotions. He stepped towards Syleste, wrapped his arms around her and brought her in close for a tight hug. Gabe rested his head on her shoulder. He closed his eyes and took in the sweet smell of her bubblegum pink hair. For the moment, Gabriel was stuck in complete blissfulness. Gabriel brought his head back up and looked her straight in the eyes as if she were staring back, “Don’t worry Syl. I’ll be back soon enough and Hawley and the rest of us will be fine. Just don’t get into any trouble while I’m gone, okay?” Gabriel released her from his grasp and took a step back, “ And when I get back, I’ll play a song just for you, deal?” Gabriel finished with a smile across his face. While his body didn’t betray many emotions, his mind was completely jumbled. He had just taken a leap of faith, and he was silently praying that it would pay off. [/color]