[hider=Chris][centre][img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8akxbX8dW1qg8l3bo1_500.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Chris (last name unknown) [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nomadic or sedentary:[/b] Nomadic [b]Weapons:[/b] Thanks to Chris's strength over many enemies, and his sharp claws and teeth, he usually does not need a weapon. However, when he does, he uses a knife that he has carried around for years. [b]Skills:[/b] Chris is strong, and not too bad at fighting. He is also good at surviving, such as building shelter. [b]Any unusual traits? Does it show physically?:[/b] Chris can usually eat raw meat without getting ill, unless it is very bad. This cannot be seen on the outside. [b]Appearance:[/b] Chris is six foot seven, with a slim, muscular body. He has pale skin, and short, black hair. His teeth are sharp, and fingernails are very sharp too. [b]Brief Personality:[/b] Chris is shy at first, when speaking to people. He can get very angry, very quickly, and you do not want to get on the wrong side of him. Christ does not speak much, and when he does he won't speak for very long. He often has conversations with himself in order to pass time, as there usually aren't very many people to speak to. He does not care about other people and will not mind ripping them to shreds if it comes to it. Sometimes he even wants to kill people, for no reason. [b]Background:[/b] Chris was born to a family in a settlement. However, it was attacked by bandits when he was 15 and he ran away, his family dead. When he was 16, someone began to look after him, only to betray him six months later. Thankfully, Chris got away, and has been nomadic ever since, rarely trusting anyone. He is currently in New England [b]Alone or with someone?:[/b] Alone [b]Other:[/b] Chris has eaten human flesh, and does not mind it. [/centre][/hider]