[h2][center]The Dowager's Tower, Caernan Castle, Harksmoor, Kingdom of Gwethydd[/center][/h2] [center][hider=Tower][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/22/Lutsk_castle_tower.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] The Dowager's Tower in Caernan Castle was the lowest of the four towers that edge the royal residence of the Caernavir, but had the unique distinction of facing not out onto the wide expanse of the city but into the leafy gardens of the palace and the adjoining university. From its windows, it was possible to enjoy the sight and smell of a vast citrus orchard, several enclosed cloisters and a vast expanse of lawn used for tournaments during the warmer months by the king. "Xandrian wine and imported cocoa in one visit?" Queen Eadrith giggled giddily. The sixteen year old consort of the kingdom had her tawny hair tied up in a functional style, pinned with three emerald broaches. She was wearing a relatively comfortable loose-fitting cyan garment. "You spoil us, good-mother," Queen Hiltruda smiled placidly at the almost comically bulging figure of her pregnant daughter-in-law. "Anything for the darling precious girl who carries my first grandchild," She said with a genuinely warm smile. "The cocoa is especially exciting, I think," Eadrith lifted one of the small ceramic cups that contained the viscous brown liquid up to her lips for a moment. "How did you acquire it, if you do not mind me asking?" "I know a man," Hiltruda said candidly. "A Veletian. He keeps me well-stocked with a sample of all of the best items that come from Lointaine via Violette," "Be sure that is all that you import from Violette," Princess Alissera said from beneath her heavy veil. She was presumably also partaking in drinking the cocoa, but it was impossible to tell apart from nearly imperceptible shifts beneath her loose-fitting, heavy garments. "We would not want for any of their ideas to take hold here," "Precisely not," Hiltruda conceded. "And I often wonder whether it would be possible to negotiate some sort of trade deal with them. Farlook Post seems to be importing increasing amounts of silks and goods from within Ethica, but surely it would make sense for us to draw our net out further," "Surely," Eadrith queried tentatively. "We would not want to anger the Veletians?" "Quite right," Alissera said, patting Eadrith's arm with her own gloved hand. It took everything that the young Queen had not to recoil. Her aunt-in-law still scared her. "I think it would be prudent of us to have them as friends," "Their Duchess is married to Prince Ralltene," Eadrith continued. "Surely our intentions in the imperial election will cool relations?" "Perhaps," Hiltruda nodded. Her plump face was ruddy with concentration. "Perhaps not. The King does not seem to want to listen to us either," She produced a scroll and unfurled it across the table. It was written in the neat, precise handwriting of Princess Haldetrude. "The King seems wont to vote for Prince Jakinius, according to Haldetrude. He has not listened to us, I fear," A low, slightly scratchy chuckle emitted from beneath Alissera's veil. "The pawns will vote for the pawns. Let the honourable King Aethlar and the honourable Prince Jakinius posture themselves openly in the capital. They should enjoy it while they can," She said, idly tracing a finger along the enamelled top of the tea table. "We must establish contact with the Duchess Victoria, and with Princess Allianna too," Eadrith looked between the two Caernavir matriarchs. "This game is not going to be played by those who think they are playing, is it?" She said after a moment's contemplation. "My husband's opinion counts for less each day," "And all the better for it," Nodded Hiltruda, letting go of Haldetrude's missive and letting it half-float idly into the fire.