Arya rushed into the pilot's seat and strapped herself in, her breath coming out in misty clouds now as the temperature was now slightly under freezing point. She checked her watch, then pushed with all her strength on the yolk. The huge engines on the back of the Invincible fired up with an almost deafening, roaring noise and the ship bolted out of the hangar. She could feel the vast magic of the base's defenses coming online, almost completely nullifying the frosty cold the Hunt had brought with them. But if they didn't get out before the wards finished coming up, they would be unable to leave until the invasion was finished. Arya for a moment wished they had been given a different ship, the Nautilus. It was smaller, but was the fastest ship in the force. "C'mon, a little faster!" She growled, yanking on the yolk. The jets on the bottom of the ship came online with a roar, and it rocketed into the sky, just narrowly escaping the wards as they finished their startup sequence, the walls of the base glowing with power. At the base of the walls there looked to be an whole army of monsters. "So it's begun." She panted as the ship flew away from the gathering forces and Idris. "This is why the brass said they would be unable to give backup". Realization dawned on her face. "They were the ones who leaked it. They drew them here so we'd have a chance at succeeding in our mission." Idris could hold them off for as long as necessary, as long as it had its wards and thick walls. But, eventually the Hunt would realize what had happened, and turn their attention towards the team. Hopefully, they'd be ready for it when it happened.