A small groan escaped Jane's lips as she felt arms embrace her. It didn't take her but a moment to process what was happening, and in her barely-awake state, she whispered a "Hi" to greet Rob as he held her. Although his actions were out of character, they were not unwelcomed, and to prove it, Jane's much smaller hand moved on top of his, her fingers lacing between his gently, and she guided his hand under the tee shirt, tucking his fingers under the side she was sleeping on, so that it rested on her stomach below the breast that his hand was usually found on when they woke up together. She shifted her body back so that she was completely encompassed by his, the warmth completely eradicating the loneliness she had been feeling earlier. Jane's instincts, if not always on, were thrusting into high gear. She wanted to badly to turn to face him. To enact then scenes she had been playing in her head over and over. To feel his hands all over her bare skin instead of just the one that was on her torso. But, she didn't. She enjoyed the moment - the closeness - for what is was, and she decided not to give into her desires as she always did. All of her nerve endings were on fire from the much anticipated moment they were sharing, though, and she couldn't help but tightly grip the arm that wrapped around her. [i]"Calm down, Jane. Go to sleep."[/i] Jane grabbed the hand from the other arm that tunneled under her pillow and poked out the other side, and she once again laced her fingers through it, this time, his hand engulfing hers. She brought of one his fingers to her mouth, and slowly, softly, she kissed it once. Another whisper. "Good night, Rob." ------------------------------------- The morning came too soon, and immediately after Jane's eyes opened, she saw the time blinking at her. 6:27 AM. Why the hell did she always wake up so early? "Shit," she whispered as she squeezed her eyes closed to alleviate how dry they felt. After coming to her senses, she became aware of the body wrapped around hers, large and strong. Rob's hand had made its way to its usual spot, this time underneath her shirt, and his other was still grasping hers tightly as if they hadn't moved once during the night. Their legs intertwined like vines that were planted too closely together as seeds, sprouting together, not knowing they were not supposed to grow like this. Jane breathed a sigh of relief. After his initial reaction to her admission, she didn't expect to be able to look at him, let alone lay together in such an intimate fashion. But the same desires she previously had pushed away the night before bubbled up again inside of her. The decision was made since she had awoken, but after a few minutes of hesitation, Jane maneuvered her body slowly and steadily until she was facing him. He was still deep in sleep, completely unaware of the comfort Jane was siphoning from him. She was so used to leaving his side without a word, leaving him to wake up on his own wondering where she had gone. Those were never her intentions, but never having to face someone in the morning was one of Jane's goals when she had spent the night with someone. The nights with Rob, though, were never like the ones filled with mindless, physical passion she had spent with those she never really cared about. But she was a creature of habit. Jane kissed the collarbone in front of her, then lifted her body up with an arm to whisper in his ear. "I'll be back later." Part of her never wanted to get up - to leave the man cradling her in his unconscious - but she knew she would, just like she always had. ------------------------------------- Half an hour later, Jane found herself plopped down in a small grassy area with a swing set and a slide. By her guess, some group had probably petitioned for more natural area in the city and were only granted a pathetic lot wedged between two monstrous buildings. She had laid down with her board beneath her head, ear buds throbbing to [url=http://youtu.be/L_Tj4bJ0VFw]Iceblink Luck by Cocteau Twins[/url] as all the fuzzy feelings she left the hotel room were replaced with ones of fear. What would the following days consist of? What did last night mean? Did it actually mean [i]anything[/i]? Had she been too forward? Jane grunted as if it would silence the turmoil. But it didn't. Knowing Rob, they would have to talk out their feelings - her worst nightmare - and that alone made her frightened her enough to not go back to the hotel room. Not yet. She wanted to ride off the high she was feeling from their night together without it getting ruined by emotions and words. It was as if Jane could still feel his hands on her chest. As she lit a cigarette, Jane closed her eyes and breathed deeply as she absorbed everything she was feeling, which was a whirlwind of yearning, passion and uncertainty. Usually what she felt on a day-to-day basis, but this time, it felt more urgent. More important. After finally working up the courage, she picked her body up off the ground and pushed her board back to the hotel. Jane must have talked herself out of turning around and finding somewhere else to hide three times before she had finally made it. She entered the room quietly to find Rob still in bed. "Hey," she greeted him quietly as she crawled next to him. "I'm sorry about last night." A hand wrapped around his uncovered torso, and her eyes locked intently onto his. "I wish I was better at talking things out like you are." Jane faintly smiled. The words felt so cliché as they came out, but it was the truth. She was melting in his arms at an alarming rate, one that made Jane want to run away once again. But instead, she nuzzled herself into his chest and closed her eyes, pushing the hesitation she felt aside, feeling less and less unsure as to why she felt it in the first place.