[h2][center][color=92278f]Rokurou Caras[/color][/center][/h2] The Chapter master listened as his Captains called for war, his veterans advocating the Chapter fight against the Inquisition, believing a positive outcome could arise from it. Perhaps that was the only way he thought... perhaps no other choice was present. Until the Forge-Adept Valius spoke up, followed by Master of the forge Constantine, advocating they run. Rokurou though on this... and made his decision. He raised one of his great gauntleted fists up, calling for silence within the room. Once the assembled chapter command fell quiet, Rokurou addressed his Chapter, [color=662d91]"It would appear, as if only the Master of the Forge and his adept can see the truth. We cannot simply 'fight' the Inquisition, and the Explorators are not likely to support us if we do. We must avoid contact with them at all costs. But... this brings its own questions."[/color], the Chapter Master paced about the room, his wings absent-mindedly furling and un-furling against his back, showing he had at least some control of the great emaciated appendages. [color=92278f]"Where can we go? What place is safe? Where will the Inquisiton not follow us. and where can we continue to serve the Primarch and the Emperor?"[/color], Rokurou feared he knew the answer... feared what it would mean for his chapter. It was then he recieved the notification... a ship was incoming, currently un-known. One ship? It quickly dawned on the Chapter master who exactly it was. He turned to his assembled council and spoke of this new development, [color=92278f]"It appears as though the tithe will come eraly brothers... a ship approaches, I believe it may be the inquisistion... Serviel,"[/color], he turned the massive bulk of his terminator armor to face the chief Apothecary, [color=92278f]"You must recieve them. You are one of the pure, you must stall them whilst we deliberate further. Once we are finished we may... discuss what must be done with whatever, or whoever arrives."[/color], Rokurou hasd the council doors opened to allow the chief apthecary to exit... he was going to be needed quite soon. [@JBcool][@Everyone]