[b]The Starchild’s System[/b] The Iscandarian vessels seemly responded to the message, the two research vessels drifting towards the source of the signal. Meanwhile the frigates, while they did not leave the system, went farther away and shut down their weapons, but they did keep their shield up. The Iscandarians sent a message towards the source of the signal, encoded in a simple 01 computer code. The message, if the Starchild could decode it, would indicate that they were the Iscandarians and they represented the EU. It went on further to state they were here on peaceful intentions and wished to land, as well as including a translation matrix. Meanwhile one of the military frigates positioned itself towards the Commonwealth vessel. The few Commonwealth traders that had found their way to Iscandarian space had been enough for the Iscandarians to pick up the language. A message was beamed to the frigate. “I am Caelia, a Dux Astrum of the Classis Astrorum of the Eternal Union, I am the military leader of this expedition. What does the Commonwealth seek here?” [b]Arnor[/b] The voice that had had been speaking switched to the one that was clearly sentient, rather then the robotic one that had spoke before. “I am Aurelius, a Praefectus Minor of the Classis Astrorum of the Eternal Union. I represent the leader of all naval forces here. My ships are ready to assist yours into a dock until such time as we can contact forces from your main body to arrive and pick you up. We will however need you to lower any shields remaining for the process to work.” A few freighter type vessels appeared near the frigates that were already around the Lorca vessel. They appeared to have long tube on the underside of the vessel, which glew with blue energy.