Adrian held his chin between his thumb and forefinger, thinking about Joslyn's concerns about standing-out just a little too much, about what he'd have to work with -sizing her up- and still being able to keep a steady draw on his customers. He also noticed that Joslyn had finished eating before him. [color=9e0039][b][i]"I've got just the idea."[/i][/b][/color] He exclaimed, as he snapped his fingers out from under his chin before getting excitedly to his feet; leaving a third of his food uneaten. [color=9e0039][i]"If you'll follow me to the back-room I think I may be able to work something out to keep them from noticing your eyes."[/i][/color] He said, before taking-off to his studio. Once there, Adrian shut the door behind Joslyn and took off his shirt. [color=9e0039][i]"Take off that shirt, [b]we're trading[/b]."[/i][/color] he requested as he ripped-off the sleeves of his own shirt. [color=8dc73f][i]"Wait... [b]what?[/b]"[/i][/color] Joslyn questioned, staring rather openly at Adrian's bare chest before she finally just looked up at him, [color=8dc73f][i]"Um... why are we trading shirts?"[/i][/color] As she asked, she brought her hands up and started to undo the buttons, confused but clearly trusting him, though she was surprised that he was ripping of the sleeves of his shirt. [color=8dc73f][i]"You are destroying your shirt? That seems counter-productive doesn't it?"[/i][/color] Tilting her head to the side, she held out the shirt, one arm currently covering her bare breasts as she had found her damp bra highly uncomfortable. Adrian sighed quietly, his plan was being questioned. [color=9e0039][i]"These are long sleeve shirts, that's a miniskirt."[/i][/color] He said, pointing at Joslyn's attire for emphasis, [color=9e0039][i]"It's out of proportion, and I can't make miniskirts grow an extra eighteen inches of hem at the snap of a finger; I'm not a magician. So I have to make the shirt look smaller for you."[/i][/color] He took the still long-sleeved shirt and put it on as he gave the new short-sleeved shirt to Joslyn to try-on, although he quickly stopped her from buttoning it up. [color=9e0039][i]"It's too tall, tie the ends together to make it shorter.... [u]no[/u]... [b]here[/b], [u]like this[/u]..."[/i][/color] He tried to explain, only moments before losing patience and tying the ends of the shirt together just below her bust-line. [color=9e0039][i]"As for your eyes, so long as you can keep one covered they shouldn't be too suspicious. If they do happen to catch a glimpse of both, just apologize for losing one of your contact-lenses.... Oh right, and one more thing..."[/i][/color] Adrian leaned in close to Joslyn, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. [color=9e0039][i]"A kiss for good luck on your first night. You'll need it."[/i][/color] Joslyn's cheeks flared up a deep red and she bit down on her bottom lip for a moment before she managed a soft 'oh' and hurried off to the bar floor to help the waiters. She had not expected the action from him, but she also wasn't about to complain as she thought it was a normal thing. Letting out a slow breath, she went over to one of the waiters to ask them what it was she was supposed to do before being handed a pad and pen and shooed off. Chewing her bottom lip, she approached the first table nervously before offering them a rather shy smile. [color=8dc73f][b][i]"W-what can I get f-for you today?"[/i][/b][/color] she asked softly. (Taking suggestions from [@AtomicNut] as to how the first customer responds [Ebonsquire too, I see you lurking dere 'bro])