[@Rakurai] ----a week before arrival----- Lapis rushes about the home gathering his various belongings like a tornado that picks up things instead of destroying it. As he goes, he places the items into a homemade hand cart. A cart that is elegant yet simple, with leather covering the handles for preventing splinters and a piece of wood dividing the cart into two. After what felt like a full day, he places his bongo drum into the section containing jarred fruits, various vibrant clothes, a chest of his clothes, a smaller chest of his pots of khol and dyes, leathers, and a large tapestry. The other section contains an anvil, steel, a couldren, and tools for black smithing. He finishes off by putting on a thick deep blue belt with a curved dagger sheathed on it. He glances at his parents and smiles at them. Knowing their silence comes from mixed emotions. [color=pink]"I'll be okay, I'll write, and I'll do well"[/color] he hugs them before hefting up his cart and heading off, with no protest from the wheels on the cart. The days after were reliably irritating, filled with males thinking he is female from behind since he walks like a female....then with irritation he would turn around to reveal that no he isn't a woman. His short shirts revealing his etched abs and that would get them to leave. -----arrival----- He pulls his cart with nothing less then sheer irritation from his experiences. His ears nearly pinned back and a glare that could kill...if he had that ability. However, this seems to vanish as he gets closer to his destination. His ears go straight up, the movement causing the earrings adorning said ears to glint. His speed slightly increases as well. He glances at the place as he gets up to it...rather run down, but he could deal with it. It wasn't the best, but he didn't expect much from humans. He stops as he notices an individual outside and he lightly lets go of his cart and walks forward, knowing full well his cart isn't going anywhere with how heavy it is. [color=pink]"greetings, I am Lapis....I will be attending the human school"[/color] his voice isn't as deep as his father's, but it is definitly male. Along with that his voice has a velvety feel to it...as if he could speak smoothly to a woman and get her to do anything just with that voice.