[center][color=goldenrod][h3]~* Ari, The Big Bad Wolf *~[/h3][/color][/center] The day was a beautiful one indeed, there was no way someone could take that away but deep within the woods that was on the far side of the of the inn, was a gray wolf who just couldn't be unhappier with how the sun shone over the woods. "Stupid, little, fucking sun, all your fault!" Ari found himself grumbling and mumbling to himself before glaring up in the direction of the sun. "I'll eat you one day!" The wolf exclaimed before the golden eyes found themselves wandering in the direction the rabbit had run off. It was a pregnant one to boot, and it was not every day the self claimed big bad wolf would stumble upon both a meal and desert. Flicking his nose with his thumb, and clicking his tongue, Ari found himself walking in the opposite direction his earlier pray had ran off to. With long, almost hubris long strides, the wolf made his way further towards the outskirt of the woods, in the direction of the lake. If the wolf was lucky enough, the rabbit had hopped off to sedate their thirst on the somewhat hot summer day. To the 'big' bad wolf who resided in the the fair size woods, everything in the area was his. The tree's, the lake, even including the dilapidated human establishment. Though, perhaps what he seemed to enjoy the most of this place was the peace and quiet the place was, unlike the shabby little town. Though, Ari had his reasons for disliking the place, that perhaps he would reminiscence another time since it was besides the point. The wolfs tail fluffed out, as the ears flickered remembering the little cat that had stumbled into his ruined house! How dare the cat clean up the place and throw out the treasure he had gathered? Ari could still remember the day he had found the golden shiny wrapper, he still hadn't found what it had been used for, and now the cursed cat had ruined it all. All of it! "Stupid cat..." Ari mumbled to himself, as he found himself remembering how the skirt trailed down the lithe thighs, and how the bright cold eyes stared forward, as the small framed cat 'girl' had so adorably done the tasks. Adorable? The wolf shook his head, the cat was far from cute! A soft hue of a rosy pink spread across the gray wolf's cheeks below his own golden orbs as he continued his way. Perhaps, if Ari was lucky enough, the cat was done with his place, and gone for good. Of course the wolf was not going to admit to not having have had the courage to confront the 'girl' who had been unwelcome into his home. A loud growl snapped the wolf back into reality, as the ears perked and the eyes looked around alert, till the growl once more resurfaced, only making it painfully obvious to the gray haired wolf where it was coming from. Clutching his stomach with his hand, Ari felt his ears lower just ever so slightly, as he almost soothingly patted his gut. "Now, now... We will get something to eat soon."