Arya turned her eyes towards Eiko and smiled weakly. "The wards. We had to get off the base before the wards came up, otherwise we'd be stuck there indefinitely." She tapped on a screen on the control panel a couple times and a birds eye view came up of the besieged base, showing the thousands of beasts and monsters throwing themselves against the glowing walls. "The brass tipped off the Wild Hunt to bring them to Idris. They're distracting them to let us work." She explained. Eyeing the GPS, she let off on the yolk, the ship slowing down considerably. "So now, we have to do our part. There's laptops with access to the SDF databases in the store room, and reference materials in the library. We need to figure out our next move, since we don't have forever. You and the others can take this time to rest and do some research. Come to me if you find anything that may be worth looking into."