[h2][center][color=navy] [u]Yennifer[/u] [/color][/center][/h2] The large capital was a assault of sights and sounds as a small figure fluttered through the streets. Pausing often to look down to consult the map and series of directions her brother had given her. Finally reaching the appropriate destination, her large white sunhat askew on long curls and her arms aching from pulling a large case, and carrying another. Clamped under one arm, a slim battered briefcase. One large wing, ranging in a deeper tan along the bone to a creamy off-white at the tips of the feathers, wrapped about to help balance the precious package. Giving a thankful sigh as she noted several people around a dilapidated building. Noting a cart, her head did a bird like turn and tilt. It was a odd contraption, slim fingers reached to examine before her brother's words sliced into her mind. [i][color=deepskyblue]"Don't touch. Don't get curious, and pick up shiny things. That little 'must know' habit of yours could be very dangerous in a human city."[/color][/i] Tytos had warned. [i][color=deepskyblue]"You aren't human, they won't treat you like people do here. They won't try to understand you. Keep to yourself, do as told, and whatever you do..."[/color][/i] [i][color=lightskyblue]"... do not sing from your heart."[/color][/i] She sighed, mentally repeating her brother's harsh words. For all she held little hostility towards the humans, Tytos would never trust them. Humans never paid the full amount and profits were short. They couldn't even make some of the better instruments because of the required parts. Ivory for pianos, the aged wood for the basis. Special orders got those, or the show pieces after years of saving for the parts. She stroked the large case absently. While he had be loathe to part with the instrument he could not, nor would he, deny her taking the beloved violin and flute she adored so much. They were part of her inheritance and she had pointed out, that they had two show pieces of those. Her paternal grandparent's set from when they used to play in duo together. Pulling the free wing close to her, Yennifer forced herself to continue on up to the group. One seemed to match her in height, as she drew closer it appeared to be a cat based Beast kin. The other was a large man, so large that the random thought if he could fit in a regular doorway entered her mind or if this is why all rich humans were said to have double doors to all their rooms. Squashing that thought she heaved at the large case, pulling it over a particularly stubborn pothole. A deep voice attracted her attention to the third seemed to be a mountain. Woman or man she didn't want to guess, it was just so tall! And red! Yennifer just stared, head slightly cocked. Her eyes just looking hopelessly upwards. The ears didn't help she decided. Perhaps she should have brought a ladder, everything was so very tall in a human city. Edging about she stood quietly off to the side, looking sideways out of the corner of her eyes and between wind-blow strands of reddish hair at the giant. How did he get so tall?! For a rabbit even! She just was simply bewildered. Hopefully the rest were not so tall...