[@Classpet] Staring at the sea, Shauna had been contemplating just how much spaghetti sauce she'd need to fill the ocean. About three or four barrels would have been enough, she estimated. Though, she figured it'd be annoying trying to find the plug to drain all the water out of the ocean so she'd be able to replace it with spaghetti sauce. Then, someone approached her. She had figured it was that kid itching to pick a fight, or gum-boy coming to bother her. But, instead, it was only the most awesomest person she had ever met. Eyes sparkling, she smiled as she stared at Jamita, never having laid eyes on someone so awesome. She heard the Mink's words, but she was too awestruck to really respond. Instead, she settled for pulling Jams into a hug before spinning around. "Ahahahaahahaha! You're so awesome and cute!" Shauna said before setting Jams back where she was sitting, the same stupid smile on her face. "My name is Shauna Warlethal. People call me Shauna. And Bitch. But people that call me Bitch get punched. Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnd, as for your question." The fighter said as she spun around before pointing out at the ocean. "One day, I'm gonna unplug the ocean, drain out all the water and replace it with spaghetti sauce!" She announced proudly. "And then, I'm gonna punch the Moon right in the balls!" Shauna said with a clenched fist, her tone making it unclear as to whether or not she was serious or joking. "And I want you, Jams-The-Awesomest, to be there with me when I do it! So, whaddaya say, pal?!" She inquired with shining eyes.