As Wesley would demand Shion, she would look at him from the corner of her eye, not bothering to turn towards him, though her eyes would settle on Nadeline. The woman would walk up to her, taking Nadeline's hand in hers, interlacing their fingers together. An aura of light would surround them, and Nadeline admitted that she was slightly nervous in what Shion was doing. Grant managed to get up on his own, stretching out his limbs as he would join Wesley and Savayna. He winced slightly as he would massage his shoulder, though he would narrow his eyes as he thought. "[b][color=92278f]How do you know all this, Shion?[/color][/b]" He asked the woman. "[b][color=00aeef]The current Gran Kiltias has dreamed of the future, a future in which Ivalice will fall.[/color][/b]" She informed the group as the magicks around her would continue. "[b][color=00aeef]He informed me that the only way to put an end to Zodiark's terror was to challenge him head on--and yet, to take on such a power that could even be considered a deity would be nothing but suicide. I asked for a way to cripple his power, though I was told that the only way was by killing the Scion of Time.[/color][/b]" "[b][color=fdc68a]And you still plan on doing so?[/color][/b]" Nadeline asked slowly. "[b][color=00aeef]Whether it would have worked or not is now rendered meaningless.[/color][/b]" Shion stated as she would release Nadeline's hand, Ultima's symbol glowing on the princess' hand. "[b][color=00aeef]My sources inform me now that each Esper has been claimed, Zodiark can walk the earth freely. A somber tale, but my work has only begun.[/color][/b]" "[b][color=fdc68a]Then--then we must fight, together![/color][/b]" Nadeline insisted. Grant crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. Shion shook her head in response. "[b][color=00aeef]No. There is still something left that I must do. Once again, I would implore you return to Stigma.[/color][/b]" She stated as she would begin to walk out. "[b][color=00aeef]If you have to ask, you need not know. But if you need to know, you have only to ask. Fallen petals have their uses, after all...[/color][/b]" She would walk past Nadeline, past the pair of Savayna and Wesley--giving him a nod of acknoledgment--and past Grant, who would watch her leave. He wanted to ask her what that cryptic riddle was all about, but now was not the time, it seemed. "[b][color=fdc68a]I admit my worry now, I think it would be best to return at once.[/color][/b]" Nadeline told them.