[center][color=deepskyblue][h2]Charlie Clark[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][hr] Charlie stepped back as the limo sped off, though he at least got a good look at the license plate. He stood there, a look of awe on his face at the cop's sudden change of heart. [i][color=deepskyblue]What the fuck kind of town is this?[/color][/i] he thought, running his hands through his hair. He pulled off his glasses and cleaned them quickly, struggling to work out a plan. If he had more time he might be able to do something but the limo had sped off. He didn't know the town well enough to have even a remote clue as to the car's destination. Suddenly he was snatched from his thoughts by a whistle and he looked up to see a woman in a car looking over at him. [color=chocolate]"Pretty ballsy move, kid, you do that professionally? Next time, though, you might wanna try a bat to the windows. That's when they know you're not fucking around. Keying a car is an annoyance. Breaking a windshield is a message."[/color] Charlie laughed despite the situation. [color=deepskyblue]"I can't say it was the brightest move I've ever made. Next time I'll be sure to go for the windshield."[/color] He sighed. He couldn't waste time having a laugh with some random woman on the street. Unless she could help somehow. [color=deepskyblue]"I don't suppose you have a place with some decent WI-FI and a land line do you? That limo it...well the guy who I assume owns it has someone I care about. I'd like to not see her murdered today.[/color] His brain was already spinning, gears whirring in his head. [color=deepskyblue]"Normally I wouldn't take things like this into my own hands," [i]Lie[/i] "But Captain Dumbass over there seems to have decided that donuts matter a bit more than his badge,"[/color] Charlie said, gesturing to the cop who was now sitting in his car. He knew that he could trace the license plate back to a phone number, and then using a landline, call said number and trace the signal back, but he'd need a decent connection. It was better than a high speed chase through the streets of some town where people were kidnapped in broad day light by purple headed fucks in limos while the police force sat idly by. [color=deepskyblue][i]This lady's gonna be able to help. I can tell.[/i][/color] [sub][@Fabricant451][/sub]